“The Drew Barrymore Show” honored the birthday of its eponymous host with a television milestone. The nationally syndicated talk show, which debuted on Sept. 14, 2020, welcomed its first performance from a Broadway musical on Feb. 22, 2024, to pay tribute to Barrymore on her 49th birthday.
The cast of the Tony Award-nominated musical “& Juliet” did the honors with a surprise performance of the second-act number “Roar.” Lorna Courtney, the Tony-nominated lead of the Max Martin jukebox musical, was joined by the show’s ensemblists on the stage of the CBS Broadcast Center to deliver the song made famous by Katy Perry.
Watch the cast perform for Barrymore and her studio audience below.
“& Juliet” plays the Stephen Sondheim Theatre. It is produced on Broadway by Max Martin, Tim Headington, Theresa Steele Page, Jenny Petersson, Martin Dodd and Eva Price.
First appeared on www.broadwaynews.com