Prayer times and times for the Maghrib and Fajr prayers are searched by many throughout the days of the holy month of Ramadan in Qena Governorate, which vary from one place to another. Youm7 publishes prayer times during the month of Ramadan and iftar times within the governorate.
Prayer times begin in the governorate Qena The time is 4:39 AM at the time of the Fajr prayer and ends at 7:10 PM for the Isha prayer. As for the number of hours of fasting for this day, it is 13 hours and 17 minutes. As for the rest of the times of the Fajr prayer, it is 4:39 AM.
Noon 11:59 AM
Afternoon 3:23 PM
Morocco 5:56 PM
Isha 7:10 p.m
Qena Governorate is one of the governorates of South Upper Egypt, located about 600 kilometers south of the capital, Cairo. The total area of Qena Governorate is 10,798 square kilometers, the inhabited area is 1,740.72 square kilometers, and the population is 3 million 600 thousand.
Find out the time of the Maghrib call to prayer and the hours of fasting on the first day of Ramadan in Qena
Qena Saber Saeed
Prayer times and times for the Maghrib and Fajr prayers are searched by many throughout the days of the holy month of Ramadan in Qena Governorate, which vary from one place to another. Youm7 publishes prayer times during the month of Ramadan and iftar times within the governorate.
Prayer times in Qanul Governorate begin at 4:39 AM at the time of the Fajr prayer and end at 7:10 PM for the Isha prayer. As for the number of hours of fasting for this day, it is 13 hours and 17 minutes, and for the rest of the times of the Fajr prayer, it is 4:39 AM.
Noon 11:59 AM
Afternoon 3:23 PM
Morocco 5:56 PM
Isha 7:10 p.m
Qena Governorate is one of the governorates of South Upper Egypt, located about 600 kilometers south of the capital, Cairo. The total area of Qena Governorate is 10,798 square kilometers, the inhabited area is 1,740.72 square kilometers, and the population is 3 million 600 thousand.