“The Curse”, a comedy-satirical drama created and written by Emmy Award nominee Nathan Fielder (“General Rehearsal”) and Benny Sepedi (“Oppenheimer”) who also star alongside Academy Award winner Emma Stone (“Poor People”). The series received a score of 94 on the Rotten Tomatoes website and was declared one of the best series of 2023.
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The plot of the series tells the story of Whitney (Stone) and Asher (Fielder) Siegel, a righteous young couple who create a new docu-series that deals with providing aid to a small and destitute community in New Mexico. But the rosy dream of the creative couple quickly turns into a nightmare when the dubious producer of the series sees it as a commercial opportunity and begins to change it. While facing many challenges and amidst all the difficulties facing them, Emma and Asher try to find the way to keep the married life and relationship and become parents.
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