Muhammad Tharwat on the authority of Al-Kabir Awi: I am happy with my participation and there is “chemistry” between me and Ahmed Makki

Comment Artist Mohamed Tharwatfor the role he plays in the series The big one The eighth part, where he plays the role of Shaker.

He said during an intervention with the journalist Shafki Al-Muniri on the “Ninth” program broadcast on the Egyptian Channel 1: “What is happening is a generosity from God. The very big series is a really big series, and I am happy because I will appear to the viewers with a new character.”

He added: “Working with the artist Ahmed Makki makes me happy because I love him on both the personal and professional levels, and there is great chemistry between us, and we have worked together in more than one work.”

He continued: “The composition was formed to produce very good work, and we gather at the table at home, to follow Ramadan series. The first criterion for the success of the work begins with the family, then after that we look at the opinion of people in the street, then after that the social media platforms, and the extent of the role’s influence on The series is on the pioneers of these platforms.”

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