When did Pope Shenouda III start organizing the tables of God in St. Mark’s Cathedral?

A rich history of the Coptic Orthodox Church with Iftar tables for the blessed month of Ramadan and sharing the spirituality of the Holy Month since the era. Pope Kyrillos VI Even today in most of the churches and parishes of the Republic, the rituals of Ramadan decorations and hanging lanterns have become customs shared by many people of the same country, Muslims and Christians.

During the reign of His Holiness Pope Shenouda III, breakfast tables began, during the reign of the late His Holiness Pope Shenouda III, for the first time in 1986 at the cathedral headquarters. It was transformed into an annual custom in which everyone gathers in the spirit of brotherhood, love, and friendship, and then it moved to all sects and churches in Egypt, as well as dioceses and churches in various countries. neighborhoods at the level of Egypt, as well as organizing those tables in church dioceses abroad, to which ambassadors, diplomats, and a group of Egyptians abroad were invited.

As an embodiment of national unity between Muslims and Christians, and amidst a state of joy, the Church of the Virgin Mary and Pope Cyril VI in the “Zawaida” area, east of Alexandria, last year distributed 250 cartons of Ramadan supplies to the most vulnerable families in the area located in the second Montazah district.

The church’s participation with Muslims in the advent of the holy month of Ramadan extended to hanging the Ramadan lantern in the street, which connects the church and the mosque, in addition to donating 10 vouchers for feeding a fasting person, which was issued by the Ministry of Endowments, and the voucher’s value is 300 pounds.

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