Delivery of dishes to children, not what you thought

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[צילום: יהב גמליאל/פלאש 90]
It is good to involve the children in preparing the delivery of the dishes, the packaging is just as important as the content Even when choosing snacks for delivery, you can choose healthier options that will make the little ones just as happy

Delivery of packages is a great joy among children and adults. The parents among us remember very well the generic list from the teacher or the kindergarten teacher of the contents of the parcels for the children: 2 salty snacks, two sweet snacks, a lollipop and a surprise up to five shekels. This list, which is intended to make order and equality between the deliveries of the dishes still leaves an opening for diversity and play.

It is good to involve the children in preparing the delivery of the dishes, the packaging is just as important as the content,
You can choose from the children’s creations we received from school and kindergarten and match them (or let the children match) and create a bag or box that will contain the snacks.

Even when choosing snacks for package delivery, you can choose healthier options that will make the little ones no less happy, it is useful to share with the teacher and the other parents the importance of the composition of package delivery.

What to pay attention to when choosing snacks:

  • The great one does decide! Choose snacks in small packages
  • Choose snacks with neutral flavors and not with added flavors, for example, cream, sour, spicy, etc., each addition is an addition of unnecessary substances to the body.
  • Prefer baked rather than fried snacks.
  • In most cases chips and peanuts will be better than other snacks.
  • Pay attention to the use of food coloring mainly in M&M candies, prefer regular lollipops.
  • Prefer jelly candies over toffee candies, the toffees are higher in sugar and fat and stick more to the teeth.
  • Children love small vegetables, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers and bell peppers were also scattered in the sea of ​​snacks.
  • Add strawberries and peeled pomelo slices.
  • Prefer chocolate bars without additives, for example Kinder fingers and chocolate coins over filled chocolate or a chocolate bar.
  • A surprise egg is a good option both as a chocolate snack and as an added surprise that is required in almost every classroom delivery.

On the day of changing the portion delivery, you should ask the teacher that the children do not eat the portion delivery at kindergarten or school, but bring it home, at home we will explain to the children that it is not advisable to eat the entire portion delivery at once, because our stomachs may hurt, you can choose one or two snacks per day and be sure to brush your teeth teeth after

A healthy and happy holiday!

date: 18/03/2024 | Updated: 18/03/2024

Lauren Gunner

+Be happy always
08:23 18/03/24  | Yossi Kandelkar | for the full list

If we manage to look at the good things and transmit outwardly and then inwardly lightness and answer the question – “what does it sound like” with “everything is fine” and really mean it, little by little it will be a part of us

moments of joy [צילום: נתי שוחט/פלאש 90]

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