Saad Al-Saghir: I stood beside Bossi and donated 250,000 pounds to her father from a philanthropist

He said Popular singer Saad Al-SaghirHe is connected to a family Popular singer Bossi Strong relationships, which prompted him to intervene in order to solve the problem between her and her father: “We used to finish the pyramid work and sleep at Bossi’s house, because she had a two-storey villa.”“.

Al-Saghir added in his interview with: Journalist Basma Wahbapresenter of the “Al-Arafa” program, on Al-Mehwar and Al-Nahar channels: “Bossi called me and told me to join Walid Fateen, signing me with 28 trust receipts. The court went to her and she had 30 trust receipts.”“.

The popular singer continued Saad Al-Saghir“Walid Fateen died, and when he was alive, people came to him and hit him in the face with a slipper. He asked for 4 million pounds from her. I paid him a million pounds and he was imprisoned. You were not supposed to imprison him. I say that Bossi was the one who imprisoned Walid Fateen and she confessed that she was the one who imprisoned him.”

And continue Saad Al-Saghir“Her father made a mistake against her, but she did not send him a pound for the Qur’an, nor did she give anything to her sisters, and I bought him an air conditioner, screens, and other things for 250 thousand pounds, and that was from the donation of a philanthropist, because he was living in ruins, and if it was complete and there was blood, the 250 would come out.” A thousand pounds for God’s sake, but she took the apartment with the furniture we brought, and it is her mother’s apartment, and she is supposed to give the thing we brought to her father.”

He continued: “I did not disclose BossiBut her father asked me to appear with me on the program so that Bossi would tell him that she had forgiven him, and I was the one who made the apartment and I told Bossi to say that she was the one who made the apartment and she said, “Happy New Year,” but she told me to do what you want to do.”

He continued Singer Saad Al-SaghirHe did not persecute Bossi and did not hate her. He even slept in one of her video clips on a sofa while she was filming the video: “The song was owned by the popular singer Amina, and there were problems between her and Mohamed Abdel Moneim and she brought the song to Bossy at the request of Mohamed Abdel Moneim.”

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