Supplication for the eighth day of Ramadan.. Oh God, grant me mercy on orphans, provide food, and spread peace

Supplication for the eighth day of Ramadan.. “The Seventh Day” publishes a collection of… Recommended supplications In the blessed month of Ramadan, which was proven to be true by the companions and followers, coinciding with the days of the blessed Ramadan, where the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, emphasized supplication on every day of the month of Ramadan because of the great reward it carries.

Supplication for the eighth day of Ramadan

.. There are many desirable supplications in the month of Ramadan, which form a link between the servant and his Lord to obtain His satisfaction, and to ask for His forgiveness and satisfaction, and among the most important of them are: On the authority of Ibn Abbas, on the authority of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, his family, and all his companions: “O God, grant me in this day the mercy of orphans, and Provide me with food, spread peace, and grant me in it the company of honorable people and the avoidance of meanness, with your patience, O the hope of the hopeful.” Oh God, make me among those who trust in You and those who are victorious with You and those who are close to You and remove me from the causes of Your displeasure. Oh God, help me to fast and perform prayers with Your grace, O Guide of those who go astray. Oh God, do not hold me accountable for my mistakes, and spare me from sins and lapses, and do not make me a target for afflictions and calamities, and expand and secure my chest through it with your safety, O safety of the fearful.

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