Video – Najwa Fouad reveals secrets about her relationship with the artistic community and her regret about these things

The artist, Najwa Fouad, was a guest on the “Sary Ink” program presented by the journalist Asma Ibrahim on the “Cairo and the People” channel, where she revealed for the first time many secrets about her relationship with the artistic community, and her remorse for the things she did and her wish in the current period, in addition to her talk about the details. Her personal life and artistic career.

The Egyptian star said spontaneously in her statements: “I hope to go to God alone as I am, and live a normal life with God,” adding: “I don’t want to do a funeral, people are busy on the phones and don’t feel sad, and I don’t want that for myself.”

She added: “I will write in my will that they donate my organs. The body is a mortal thing, and when I donate my organs, it will be a good thing for me after I go to God, and we must believe that life has an end.”

Regarding her artistic works, she said: “I worked with Muhammad Al-Sabki in the movie “Sweetness of Soul,” and I asked for money to give me five thousand pounds. If you sent me a bouquet of flowers, it would be better.”

She added: “I spent three million pounds on Yusra at the beginning, and I forgot something called Najwa Fouad, and I have said more than a half, and when she hears that I am sick or far away from her in a voice, she responds to me and says, ‘Are you good and how is your health?’ and she does not ask me about my fatigue.”

She continued: “If Yusra came and gave me the three million pounds that she spent on her, I would not take them. I need God, not a human being.”

Regarding her bold pictures, she said: “People’s criticism of my bold pictures in front of the pyramids was mine, because I am opposed to dressing more than necessary, which Russian women and new dancers have imposed on us when I am 15 years old. I suggested that chiffon be worn and the forbidden thing be desired and attract attention, and the picture was an advertisement for the Ministry of Tourism for Egypt.” “.

She continued: “Some relatives started asking about me because I lost a lot of my life, but they played a game and there was no inheritance to take, and I had many health crises and they didn’t ask about me.”

She added: “I blame the producer, Jamal Al-Adl, and when I speak to him, he does not respond to me, and many times I need him, and speaking to him is at the beginning of my fatigue and working with me is a great duty.”

She expressed her regret about entering the artistic community: “I sacrificed having a family, children, and grandchildren. I would have many things that were more precious than now. I do not regret my bold scenes at the time when my age allowed them. We are a generation that scribbled a lot in order to become stars, and a generation that does not get tired now.” They took ten million, and we took ten millimeters.”

She admitted, “The highest wage I received was 8,000 pounds. I cannot play the role of a schoolgirl with bows when I am 70 years old.”

She continued, “The woman who is exposed to betrayal should leave him alone, and the provision is with God. When trust is lost, many things are lost with it.”

She added: “I wronged myself in the past 3 years, and I was supposed to calculate the time and calculate that I would get tired. I was not aware of these needs,” stressing that she was “angry with Ghada Abdel Razek because I was waiting for a call from her because I love her so much.”

She added: “Fifi Abdo Attaa asked Alia and I regretted that I had not known her for a long time. I tried to call her, but her fatigue made her turn off her phones, and she called me from Dubai to ask me if I needed anything.”

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