Israel responds to Canada’s decision to stop arms exports to it

Israel responded to Canada’s decision to stop arms exports to it, which Ottawa took based on a proposal from Parliament, against the backdrop of the war that has been ongoing for months in the Gaza Strip.

He criticized the Israeli Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz Canada because of the decision.

“I am sorry that the government of Canada is taking this step that undermines Israel’s right to self-defense, in the face of Hamas killers who committed terrible crimes against humanity and against innocent Israelis, including the elderly, women and children,” Katz said in a statement.

The Israeli Foreign Minister added, “History will judge Canada’s current actions harshly.”

On Tuesday, Canada announced that it would stop arms exports to… Israela day after the Canadian Parliament approved a non-binding motion on the issue.

Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Jolie told the local newspaper “Toronto Star”: “It is a real matter,” noting that this step “will not only be symbolic.”

This motion was part of a larger vote calling on the international community to work towards a two-state solution to end the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, consistent with Canadian government policy.

Since the outbreak of war in Gaza, it has not been sent Canada Only “non-lethal” military shipments, such as communications equipment, are sent to Israel.

A Canadian government source told Agence France-Presse that “no military exports to Israel have been recorded since last January.”

Israel is one of the most prominent importers of Canadian weapons, as it received military equipment worth 21 million Canadian dollars in 2022, according to Radio-Canada, and this was preceded by shipments worth 26 million dollars in 2021. This places Israel in the list of the top 10 recipients of Canadian arms exports.

This month, a group of lawyers and Canadians of Palestinian origin filed a complaint against the Canadian government demanding the suspension of arms exports to Israel, considering that Ottawa is thus violating domestic and international law.

On Monday, the Canadian Parliament issued a non-binding resolution calling on the international community to work on… The two-state solution.

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