Postponing the trial of Mortada Mansour in 8 cases of insult and defamation

Mahmoud Abdel Salam

Published on: Tuesday, March 19, 2024 – 5:14 PM | Last updated: Tuesday, March 19, 2024 – 5:15 p.m

Today, the Economic Misdemeanor Court decided to postpone the trial of Mortada Mansour, former president of Zamalek Club, in 8 cases filed by Mahmoud Al-Khatib, president of Al-Ahly Club, Mamdouh Abbas, former Chairman of the Board of Directors of Zamalek Club, Hani Al-Attal, former Vice President of Zamalek Club, Abdel Nasser Zidane and others on charges of insulting the club. And defamation, for next April 30 session, for pleading.

– Previous rulings and other cases

It is noteworthy that the Cairo Economic Court, headed by Counselor Badr El-Sobky, ruled to imprison the president of the Zamalek club for 6 months with full effect and a fine of 20 thousand pounds, for convicting him of insulting and defaming an employee of the Central Auditing Organization, in Case No. 113 of 2023, financial matters, and an appeal session was scheduled for her before the Court of Cassation, which ruled. By stopping the penalty.

The Economic Misdemeanor Court of Appeal also rejected the appeal submitted by Mortada Mansour, the former president of the Zamalek Club, against a 3-month imprisonment sentence for accusing him of insulting and defaming Mahmoud Al-Khatib, the president of the Al-Ahly Club, in Case No. 728 of 2023, Cairo Economic Misdemeanor, due to his absence from the session, and there is another stage in the process. The issue is filing an appeal by the “appellate opposition” against the appeal.

It is noteworthy that the Court of Cassation ruled – on February 25, 2023 in another case – to uphold the two sentences issued against Mortada, an enforceable one-month imprisonment, and a one-year suspended imprisonment, for accusing him of insulting and defaming Mahmoud Al-Khatib (a punishment that was implemented by the President of Zamalek).

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