Haqq Arab series, Episode 10.. Ahmed Shaybah sings between every wound during the events

Saw the tenth episode of Haqq Arab series Star Championship Ahmed Al-Awadi Many events, and the events included a song between every wound and a wound harder than the previous one by the artist Ahmed Shaybah, and its words were poignant with moments of memories of Arab Al-Sourki – Ahmed Al-Awadi, with his beloved Hanan – Dina Fouad, who discovered her truth and her illegal work and this caused him great injury. The song was appropriate to the situation and what Arabs felt.

She witnessed the events of the ninth episode of Haqq Arab series Many events, where Hanan – Dina Fouad, went to join Arab – Ahmed Al-Awadi, at the entrance of his house, and she made him swear to stand and listen to her for the last time, and she told him that she was forced to do that by her stepmother – Wafaa Makki, and that no one had touched her, so Al-Awadi cried in The moment he left Hanan, he could not believe that she had done this to him, and that from today he would not see her again and she would forget that she knew him.

Haq Arab series, starring Ahmed Al-Awadi, Dina Fouad, Riyad Al-Kholy, Wafaa Amer, Walid Fawaz, Donia Al-Masry, Caroline Azmy, Ahmed Siam, Salwa Othman, Wafa Makki, Ahmed Abdullah Mahmoud, Mido Maher, the child Munther Mahran, written by Mahmoud Hamdan and directed by Ismail. Farouk and produced by Synergy Company.

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