Donia Al-Masry plants doubts in her father’s heart about Arabs… Tips for getting rid of feelings of doubt

Samiha – Donia Al-Masry and her husband – Ahmed Abdullah Mahmoud, decided during the events Haqq Arab seriesstarring Ahmed Al-Awadi, goes to her father – Riyad Al-Khouli, and tells him that her mother – Wafaa Amer, is cheating on him with Arab – Ahmed Al-Awadi, and she actually went and told him in his astonishment.

Regarding this, Dr. Ali Amin, a consultant psychiatrist at Qena College of Medicine, explains the best advice for getting rid of and eliminating the negative feelings of doubt, explaining that these feelings affect the individual’s life and he becomes unable to live his life normally.

The psychiatry consultant provided some important advice to get rid of and overcome feelings of doubt, including:
– Identify the reason for doubt in your life and write these reasons.
Ask the people around you to help you overcome this problem and the doubts you have.
-Ask for advice from those around you, as they will make every effort to make you feel better and transform negative energy into great self-confidence and positive energy.
Start your day with positive conversations and smile to erase negative thinking and increase self-confidence.
– Practice deep breathing when you feel stressed or anxious, so take a moment to help yourself relax.
– Help others without thinking about anything in return.

The psychiatry consultant pointed out the types of doubt, including abnormal and normal doubt. Normal is what is considered a nature in the human psyche, such as a husband’s jealousy of his wife, and a person needs a small part of this doubt in his life for the safety of his psychological health and to protect him from making mistakes.

As for abnormal or sick doubt, the sufferer suffers from persecutory delusions through which he believes that others want to harm him, and that there are machinations and conspiracies being hatched against him. The doubter does not feel it from his childhood or grows with it and focuses on one idea or aspect of life until he believes in this idea. It turns into a disease that forces the patient to visit a psychiatrist.

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