The Assassins series 19.. Dar Al-Iftaa responds to those who distribute people to Hell and Paradise

During episode 19 of the series The AssassinsHassan Al-Sabah promotes that he is the owner of the key to Paradise, and also that they will go to Hell for those who violate his decision, and the events began with a dream of their Paradise. Find out the answer of the Fatwa House to those who assert that any person will enter Hell or Paradise.

published Egyptian Fatwa House On her official page on the social networking site Facebook, an honorable hadith by the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, about those who claim that God will forgive this and will not forgive this or that this will enter Paradise and this Hell.

The Egyptian Fatwa House said: “On the authority of Jundub bin Abdullah, may God be pleased with him, he said: The Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, said: A man said: By God, God will not forgive so-and-so, so God said: Who is the one who tells me that I should not forgive so-and-so? I have forgiven him, and I have thwarted your work.” narrated by Muslim.

Dar Al-Iftaa explained that the meaning of God’s blessing is that so-and-so asserts that God will do such-and-such, which the servant does not know about, such as saying: God will forgive so-and-so and will not forgive so-and-so.

The Egyptian Fatwa House responded on its website to a question about the people of Paradise talking to the people of Hell, saying: “The Noble Qur’an is the decisive book of God, to which falsehood does not come from before it or from behind it; as God Almighty said: “And indeed, it is a Mighty Book, falsehood does not approach it from before it.” His hands nor behind Him is a revelation from the All-Wise, the Praiseworthy. [فصلت: 41-42]And God Almighty said: “Do they not contemplate the Qur’an? And if it had been from anyone other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy.” [النساء: 82].

Confirming hearing from the people of Hell in one place and denying it from them in another place is subject to the different conditions that the people of Hell will go through. Sometimes they are gathered deaf and blind, in addition to their torment. As God Almighty said: “And We will gather them on the Day of Resurrection on their faces blind, mute, and deaf.” [الإسراء: 97]. Sometimes God Almighty makes them hear the call of the people of Paradise and enables them to answer them, and sometimes they are placed in coffins of fire, and the coffins are in other coffins. As Ibn Masoud, may God be pleased with him, said: “When there remain in the Fire those who will abide therein forever, they will be placed in coffins of fire, containing nails of fire. Then those coffins will be placed in coffins of fire. Those coffins were made into coffins of fire, and then they were cast into the bottom of hell. So they will see that no one will be tortured in the Fire except them. Then he recited the Almighty’s saying: “Therein for them will be the roaring, but therein they will not hear.” [الأنبياء: 100]“Narrated by Al-Bayhaqi in “Al-Baath wal-Nashur”. Therefore, they do not hear anything. It is also interpreted to mean that they do not hear what will benefit them, but rather they hear the voices of the tortured or the words of the angels who are in charge of tormenting them. This is if the pronoun is carried in his saying: “And they are in it, but they will not be heard.” [الأنبياء: 100] On the people of Hell, but if it refers to those who are worshiped – according to what Imam Abu Muslim Al-Isfahani said – then there is no problem, and what is meant is that they do not hear their cries and complaints, but only hear relief and assistance, according to the saying of the one who said: God hears those who praise Him, meaning God answers his supplications; As God Almighty described them in this world in His saying: “And who is more astray than those whom they call upon other than God, those who do not respond to them until the Day of Resurrection, and they are heedless of their supplications.” And when the people are gathered together, they are their enemies and disbelieve in their worship. [الأحقاف: 5-6].. only God knows.

The 18th episode of the Assassin series ended with the young man Yahya’s interview with Hassan al-Sabah. Then the latter asked Zaid bin Sayhoun to be present in the presence of the young man Yahya despite telling him earlier not to be present in his presence at all because he had previously killed Yahya’s father, the muezzin.

This makes the 19th episode of the Assassin series highly anticipated, especially since it witnesses the meeting of Zaid and Yahya for the first time, and thus the meeting may end with the killing of Zayd bin Sayhoun by Yahya, or vice versa, in addition to the possibility of reconciliation between them.

The eighteenth episode of the Assassins series witnessed “Elinar” Suzan Najm al-Din gathering the mermaids of Paradise in order to give them some instructions on dealing with the Chosen Ones.

The nymphs warned against the appearance of sadness in their eyes, which might make the chosen one realize that he is on earth and not in heaven.

After one of the mermaids saw a chosen one she knew, she tried to call his name, which caused confusion for the mermaids and they tried to remedy the situation, but Elinar, played by Suzan Najm al-Din, did not have a peaceful situation with her, and she ordered one of the mermaids to be killed in cold blood.

The series “The Assassins” starring Karim Abdel Aziz, Fathi Abdel Wahab, Nicolas Moawad, Mirna Nour El Din, Ahmed Eid, Islam Gamal, Mohamed Radwan, Sami El Sheikh, Omar El Shennawy, Nour Ihab, Suzan Najm El Din, Yasser Ali Maher, Basant Abu Pasha and a large number Among the artists and guests of honor, it is written by Abdel Rahim Kamal, directed by Peter Mimi, and produced by Synergy Company.

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