Greenberg said in the video she uploaded: “I had such a strange two weeks. After all the cooking on Shabbat and the cakes, your wife sent me lots of messages, ‘You’re pregnant’, ‘You’re pregnant’, ‘This is pregnancy behavior’ – so first of all, no. “It’s more along the lines of of this week’s behavior in the month we resent. So I’m not pregnant, be calm.”
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Greenberg continued: “I’m interested in how long I would have been pregnant if I had been pregnant and how I would have been able to hide it after that. It seems to me that this is something that I would not have been able to sustain for even a month. It was a combination of a downfall, a drop in stress, menstruation, hormones, nerves. Come on, the fact that I I don’t share everything that is published about what is happening in the country, soldiers who are killed or terrorist attacks – I see, I am updated, I read. These are things that do affect the soul.”
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