How much is a plate of eggs? .. The price of a carton of eggs today for the consumer, Wednesday, April 3, 2024. How much did the egg arrive?

I work on suhoor...the price of a carton of eggs today for the consumer, Tuesday, April 2, 2024, how much is the egg?

I work on suhoor…the price of a carton of eggs today for the consumer, Tuesday, April 2, 2024, how much is the egg?

It is known that eggs are one of the basic meals during the holy month of Ramadan, whether in breakfast or in the suhoor meal, in order to provide the body with the necessary energy and to compensate for the energy lost during the hours of fasting. Below we will learn together about the price of a carton of eggs for the consumer today, Tuesday, April 2, 2024. ; So follow us now for the next few lines.

White poultry prices today 2024

Today, Tuesday, April 2, 2024, poultry prices fell by five pounds per kilogram, and it is known that the prices of chickens of all kinds have increased in demand very significantly during the holy month of Ramadan, and their price increased during the first half of that month, and after the beginning of the second half, it became Prices are falling again; Today, the Sasso chicks reach 110 from the farm, and the white mother chicks reach 80 pounds, and four to five pounds are added to the price of one kilogram for the citizen.

Prices of chickens and eggs today 2024

The prices of yellow corn, which is the raw material for making fodder for chickens and livestock, declined. Accordingly, the price of birds of all kinds, for which the demand increases significantly during the holy month of Ramadan compared to normal days, also declined. Among these species were white chickens and sasso, and as a result, they also declined. Egg carton prices.

The price of a carton of eggs today, Wednesday, for the consumer, 2024

There are three types of eggs available in Egyptian markets, and the price varies from one type to another, depending on the price of chickens of the same type. It is known that the prices of local chickens are among the most expensive types, so a carton of local eggs also has the highest price, as it recorded 162 pounds, while a carton of eggs The red egg carton costs 160 pounds, while the white egg carton costs 158 pounds. These prices are for the merchant.

There is an official source confirming that there is a decrease in the price of a plate of eggs today, amounting to 10 pounds per plate.

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