Ben Caspit: After six months, the members of the gang responsible for the default are still on the job

In the nightmarish half year that has passed us there are highs and lows. It was the most difficult, not to say miserable, hour for the political and military elite. This was the great hour of the nation and its warriors. It is hard to imagine another nation rising from the ashes of October 7, from the humiliating defeat, from the painful and bloody defeat, except for our nation. It is hard to think of another army that recovers within a day from one of the biggest failures in its history and the history of nations. We are blessed to have won these warriors and civilians. It is unfortunate that we won these leaders and some of these commanders.

Shocking evidence from the massacre in Nir Oz: “It was on the scale of the Holocaust”

There is no democratic country in the world where the government would have remained in place for more than a week after the October 7 massacre. With us, not only did the criminals remain at the scene of the crime – they continue to abuse the country that elected them to their positions. Some of them also operate sophisticated poison machines against the families abandoned on October 7. Instead of standing up to the families of the abducted and murdered with a humiliated, humiliated and ashamed head, some of our “leaders” blame the citizens who were left to be slaughtered for the entire massacre.

There is nothing like Kibbutz Nir Oz to illustrate the disaster. A small kibbutz, 380 members in total, lives modestly on the edge of the Otaf, far from the center, very close to Gaza. Agriculture, farming, irrigation, plantations, cattle and poultry. And also Nirlat, a factory for sealing materials, the materials that were so much needed on that horrible early autumn morning, last year. For over 20 years, the children of the kibbutz have been growing up in the shadow of the Kassams. Like the children of the whole envelope. They don’t grumble, they don’t complain, they feel protected in their tiny nature reserve, immersed in greenery, beautiful.

On October 7, all of this went up in flames and soaked in blood. Nir Oz symbolizes the horror of October 7 because it is the only place where no one came for help that morning. Not a policeman, not a soldier, not a fighter, not an officer, not a fireman, not in charge. no one came The kibbutz caught fire alone, its residents are fighting the flames from within their dimensions, fighting not to suffocate, fighting to protect their children, to stay alive.

Like Nir Oz, many other places were severely damaged, including Bari, Kfar Gaza and Sderot. Battles took place in these places. There was resistance. Representatives of Israeli sovereignty arrived there. Fighters, tanks, helicopters, police, something. They were few against many, but they fought. There was no one in Nir Oz. On the morning of Simchat Torah, Nir Oz traveled back in time, to other, terrible days. Days when there was no one to protect the Jews. Throughout his adult life, Ariel Sharon would say that Israel arose to be a place where the Jews could defend themselves, on their own. On October 7, 2023, the morning of Simchat Torah, Israel fell. Up in her role. disappeared.

Picking pecans at Kibbutz Kfar Blum (Photo: David Cohen, Flash 90)
Picking pecans at Kibbutz Kfar Blum (Photo: David Cohen, Flash 90)

The small and proud kibbutz became a Jewish town at the mercy of the Klagasses racing through its streets and running over the skulls of women and children. metaphorical. Fire, brothers, fire. For the first time since the establishment of the State of Israel, its citizens found themselves without any protection. abandoned to their fate. Subject to the mercy of the offenders and their policy. Besieged in their apartments, in their burning houses, in their burning kibbutz, completely helpless.

On October 7, the pogrom returned to Israel and took place, in all its glory, in Nir Oz. Nir Oz’s story is told, once again, in an article that was screened last Friday at Olpan Shishi. The interviewees, residents of the kibbutz, emphasized that they are not survivors. they survive They are not survivors because no one came to save them. They survived somehow, on their own.

It was a major bankruptcy of a country. Asset receivership. Parents and children fought for their lives inside the burnt-out buildings, asking themselves where the army is, where the police, where the division, where the air force, where the Shin Bet, where everyone is. But none of these were there. Only Nokhava terrorists who couldn’t believe their good luck. They killed, destroyed, burned, looted and left. They just had no work left. Only at 14:00 in the afternoon did the first two police cars enter Nir Oz. Too little too late.

Nir Oz should become a monument. This kibbutz needs to flourish again, but the monument needs to be commemorated for future generations. A monument to arrogance, complacency, arrogance, promiscuity, smugness and negligence. 50 years and one day after it already happened to us, for the same reasons, under almost the same circumstances.

The horrifying video of Nir Oz published by CNN (Photo: CNN)

After this low, from which there is nothing below, came the peak. The displays of heroism that erupted that day from all sides were never seen in our districts. Fighters, officers, members of standby units, just civilians, people who threw themselves into the inferno to fight, to protect, to save lives. Some paid with their lives. The quick recovery of the IDF, which managed to turn the tide and use its strength in a way that left no doubt as to the true balance of power. The civil society that was sucked into the criminal state vacuum and rehabilitated, vacated, provided, achieved, supported, contributed and became a kind of powerful, all-powerful government, loaded with crazy energies the likes of which cannot be found anywhere else on earth.

As it became clear that the elected and incumbent government is nothing more than an empty vessel of opportunists without any ability, so it became clear the inherent power within the people themselves. The Israelis. The endless spirit of volunteering, the personal sacrifice, the reservists who leave everything and come running to the flag, the pensioners who guard the gates of the bases. A power that proved once again that it is invincible. You can surprise her, you can beat her, you can embarrass her and you can humiliate her, but you can’t beat her.

What next? There is no escaping the determination and the call for the immediate replacement of the gang that has taken over this good country. If there was a true Israeli patriot at the head of this country, he would have set an agreed date for the elections a long time ago, thereby eliminating any reason for protest. He would have united the people in this way, and could have established an emergency government free of extremists until after the elections. But there isn’t.

If there was a person with any moral threshold at the head of this country, he would have long ago given a broad mandate to the three representatives of Israel in the negotiations for the return of the abductees and order them to bring him a deal. He would have known that he owed it to the abandoned citizens, to the legacy, to the basic principle on which the Jewish state was founded here. But there isn’t.
All we have left to do is make sure it is. Otherwise, the low will take over the peak as well – and Israel as a whole will become a mirror image of its government.

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