Written by Ali Shibl:
The days of goodness, blessings, and joys hastened, and the month of fasting, praying, and reading the Qur’an has almost ended, and only a few days and two nights of its goodness remain at the end of the last third and the blessed last ten days, which scholars have agreed are the best of the holy month and its greatest nights. It is the best of virtue and the best of good.. The greatest of them is unanimously agreed upon, Laylat al-Qadr, as it is the best of the ten, and even the best night in existence.
On the night of Ramadan 29, 2024, the last of the odd-numbered nights that begin with the sunset call to prayer today, Sunday, and end with the dawn call to prayer tomorrow, Monday, many fasting people search for the Prophet’s supplication on Laylat al-Qadr, which is what was reported from the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, on the authority of the Mother of the Believers, Aisha al-Siddiqa. Bint Al-Siddiq, may God be pleased with her and pleased with her. Al-Tirmidhi narrated in Al-Sunan on the authority of her that she said: (I said: O Messenger of God! What do you think, if I knew which night is Laylat Al-Qadr, what would I say about it? So he said – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – say: O God, you are forgiving and love to pardon, so pardon me. ).
Here are some wonderful forms of recommended supplication on the fifth and final odd-numbered night of the Nights of Goodness and Blessings:
O God, praise be to You, You are the light of the heavens and the earth and those in them, Praise be to You, You are the Sustainer of the heavens and the earth and those in them, Praise be to You, You are the truth, Your promise is true, meeting You is true, Paradise is true, Hell is true, the prophets are true, the Hour is true, and Muhammad, peace be upon him, is true.
Oh God, I have submitted to You, and in You I have believed, and in You I have put my trust, and to You I repent, and by You I have disputed, and to You I have judged, so forgive me, O our Lord, on this blessed night for what I have done and what I have delayed, and what I have concealed and what I have declared. You are my God, there is no god but You.
Oh God, we ask you on this blessed night, perhaps it is the Night of Destiny, in your great, greatest name, by which you answer, and if you are asked by, you give, and in all of your beautiful names, what we know of them and what we do not know, to lift from us the epidemic, the calamity, and the high prices, and to fulfill our needs, and relieve our distress, Forgive our sins, cover our faults, turn to us in repentance, heal us and pardon us, set right our families and offspring, protect us with your care, improve our outcome in all matters, and have mercy on us with your vast mercy, a mercy that makes us richer than anyone else.
Oh God, we ask you on this blessed night, perhaps it is the Night of Destiny, with the light of your face with which the heavens and the earth shine, to place us in your protection, protection, beside you, and under your protection, and to be our help and helper in all our words, our states, our deeds, and all that we do of doing good, and to protect us from all We have deserved anxiety, distress, distress, vengeance, and adversity due to our heedlessness and sins. O Kind, O Most Powerful, for You are the Forgiving, the Merciful. You have said, and Your word is the truth: {And He pardons many}.
Oh God, compensate me well for everything that broke in myself, and for every despair that afflicted my heart. Oh Lord, you understand my needs even if I do not express them. Oh God, grant me what I want, for you know the secret and what is hidden. Oh God, I have delegated my affairs to you, so do not leave me to myself for the blink of an eye, and make me among those whom you have looked upon. To him I had mercy on him and heard his supplication and answered him.
O God, I ask You for steadfastness in the matter, and determination to attain righteousness, and I ask You for the reasons for Your mercy and the commands of Your forgiveness, and I ask You for gratitude for Your blessings and good worship of You, and I ask You for a sound heart and a sincere tongue, and I ask You for the good of what You know, and I seek refuge in You from the evil of what You know. She will forgive you for what you know, You are the Knower of the unseen.
O He whose generosity is not limited, whose decree is not rejected, whose blessings are not counted, whoever is not intended, and whoever is not worshipped, and whose description is, say, “He is God, one.” God, the Eternal, He did not give birth, nor was He born, and there is no one equal to Him. Do to us what you are worthy of, and do not do to us what we are. His family, you are the people of piety and the people of forgiveness.
Oh God, who threw his creation into the sea of His judgment, and judged them with the judgment of His oppression and affliction; Make us among those who are carried in the ship of salvation, and protected from all calamities for the rest of our lives. Our God, whoever is looked after by the eye of your care will be enveloped in appreciation, preserved and observed by your care, O Almighty, O Hearer, O Seeer, O Nearby, O Answerer of supplications. Take care of us with the eye of Your care, O Best of those who care.
We ask you, O God, by the light of your face with which the heavens and the earth shine, and by every right that is yours, and by the right of those who ask you, to accept us, and to protect us from the fire with your power. God is sufficient for us, there is no god but Him in Him we trust, and He is the Lord of the Great Throne.
O God, guide us with Your guidance, and have mercy on us with Your mercy, and move us from the circle of Your displeasure to the circle of Your satisfaction, and from disobedience to obedience, and from distress to breadth, and make the Noble Qur’an the spring of our hearts and the remover of our worries and sadness, and make it a proof for us and do not make it a proof against us. Teach us from it what benefits us and benefit us with what you have taught us. We have increased knowledge.
Oh God, take us by the hand from the hardships, reveal to us the faces of the truths, guide us to what you love, protect us from slipping, do not rob us of the cover of your benevolence, protect us from the fight against evil, be kind to us in all our actions, and protect us from all our sides, O Most Merciful of the Merciful.
O Light of lights, O Knower of secrets, O Ruler of night and day, O King, O Mighty, O Conqueror, O Merciful, O Friendly, O Forgiving. O Knower of the unseen, O Converter of hearts, O Cover of faults, O Forgiver of sins. On this blessed night, we ask you for your goodness, we ask you for more of your grace, and we seek refuge in you from the evil of your creation. There is no god but you.
Oh God, take me out of my surroundings into your surroundings, and from my determination to your resolve, and from my weakness to your strength, and from my brokenness to your glory, and from the narrowness of my choice to the comfort of your will, and from my short-sightedness to your vast mercy, and make me live, O God, with love, sympathy, compassion, reparation, abandonment, and overlooking. And make me a blessing to Your servants, a hand for Your giving, and an outlet for Your blessings, and do not sever my connections, and do not wound me for my abandonment, and erase from my heart everything other than You, and cultivate in it contentment with Your decree, even if it contradicts what I seek, and falls short of my efforts, then gather me with the passers-by, the poor, the abandoned, the surrendered, and whose hearts are forced. With your giving.
Oh God, we ask you for your fear in the unseen and witnessed, we ask you for the word of truth in anger and contentment, we ask you for purpose in poverty and wealth, we ask you for endless bliss, we ask you for the comfort of an eye that does not cease, we ask you for the refreshment of life after death, we ask you for the pleasure of looking at your honorable face, and we ask you for the longing to meet you. Without harmful adversity, nor misleading temptation.
Oh God, our Lord, show us the truth as truth and guide us to follow it. Show us falsehood as falsehood and avoid following it. Oh God, enlighten our hearts, forgive our sins, cover our faults, ease our unseen, and grant us ample sustenance, useful knowledge, a humble heart, tearful eyes, a contented soul, and a cure for every disease.
Oh God, we hope for your mercy, so do not leave us to ourselves for the blink of an eye, and set right all our affairs for us. There is no god but You, so do not leave for us on this day a sin except that You forgive it, no debt except that you fulfill it, no defect except that you cover it, and no need for which you are satisfied except that you fulfill it, O Most Merciful of the Merciful.
O God, do not cut off our hope, grant us the fulfillment of our aspirations, protect us from adversities, set right our affairs, protect us from the affairs of our religion, this world, and our hereafter, and grant us a heart that repents, not an infidel and doubter, and forgive us, guide us, and provide for us, and you are the best of providers, with your mercy, O Most Merciful of the Merciful.
O God, protect us with Your permission from Your forbidden things, and make us rich with Your grace above all others. O God, O Ever-Living, O Ever-Living, by Your mercy we seek help. Reconcile for us all our affairs and do not leave us to ourselves for the blink of an eye.
O He whose generosity is not limited, whose decrees are not rejected, whose blessings are not counted, and no one else is intended, and no one else is worshiped, and whose description is (Say: He is God, the One (1) God, the Eternal, the Eternal (2) He begets not, nor is He begotten (3) and there is no one equal to Him.) Do Do to us what you deserve, and do not do to us what we deserve. You are the people of piety and the people of forgiveness, O individual, O Samad.
We ask you, O God, through the secret of your gentle name, to be kind to us in all movements, rests, and all matters, and to rid us of all adversities, difficulties, tribulations, and calamities in goodness and well-being, O Most Merciful of the Merciful.
Oh God, repent to those who repent, forgive the sins of the guilty, pay off the debt from the debtors, relieve the worries of the anxious, relieve the distress of the distressed, and heal our sick and sick Muslims, O Lord of the Worlds.
Oh God, I seek refuge in You from the disappearance of Your grace, the change in Your well-being, the suddenness of Your vengeance, and all of Your anger.
Oh God, I ask you for a blissful life, a happy death, and a return that is not shameful or scandalous, O God.
Oh God, give us good in this world and good in the hereafter, and protect us from the torment of the Fire.
Oh God, I seek refuge in You from a bad day, from a bad night, from a bad hour, from a bad friend, and from a bad neighbor.
Oh God, I seek refuge in You from a heart that is not humble, from a supplication that is not heard, from a soul that is not satisfied, and from knowledge that is not beneficial.
heart mold set my heart on your religion.
Oh God, you love cream amnesty amnesty forgive me.
O God, O Most Merciful of the Merciful, have mercy on us and send down upon us the showers of your mercy, O Lord of the Worlds, O Most Merciful, O Most Merciful, and answer our supplications and do not return us disappointed, heal our sick, have mercy on our dead, pay off the debts of the debtors, and give victory to your soldiers on earth, O Most Merciful of the Merciful.
Oh God, make our hearts happy, forgive our sins, cover our faults, ease our absence, give us good in this world and good in the hereafter, protect us from the torment of the Fire, and admit us to Paradise with the righteous. O Pardoner, O Forgiver, grant us pleasure in looking at your noble face, and make the Noble Qur’an the spring of our hearts and the relief of our concerns. It made us sad, and it enlightened our eyes and our chests. We learned from it what would benefit us, and it benefited us with what you taught us.
O God, bless and bless our Master Muhammad and his family and companions. O God, just as you have adorned the sky of your being with your stars, decorate our hearts with the love of your beloved, your Prophet, and your Messenger, and guard us with your eye that never sleeps, and envelop us in your careless shroud, and make us among those who see it in wakefulness and sleep, O tenderness, O gentleness, O possessor of majesty. And honor.