12:40 PM
Thursday, May 30, 2024
Books – Mustafa Hamza:
Star Robert De Niro revealed the character he refuses to embody on screen, explaining that it is the character of Donald Trump, the former US president, who recently confirmed his candidacy in the upcoming presidential elections.
De Niro, in an interview, said: “I always say that I will not play the character of Trump. I do not find anything human in him. He is not even a human being, he is a monster.”
He continued: “I cannot call him a pig. If I call him a pig, I am insulting pigs, because there is order and dignity in their existence, which he does not know and does not possess.”
International star Robert De Niro had previously announced his readiness to open two hotels in Egypt, within the Nobu Hospitality chain of restaurants and hotels.
De Niro appeared in a video clip on Instagram, saying: “I am pleased to announce the presence of Nobu in Egypt. This is a charming and dazzling country. I look forward to seeing you there.”