The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through the Directorate of Operations and Consular Affairs, and the Consulate General of the Kingdom in Jeddah, is still following up with the competent Saudi authorities on the search for the 17 missing pilgrims.
Director of the Directorate of Operations and Consular Affairs, Ambassador Dr. Sufyan Al-Qudah said that the missing pilgrims are from outside the official Jordanian Hajj mission, calling on all Jordanian citizens who perform Hajj rituals to contact to request assistance around the clock, through the numbers of the Directorate of Operations and Consular Affairs 00962795497777 and the emergency line / Jeddah: 00966501784611 or through the e-mail of the Directorate of Operations. And consular affairs: [email protected] .
The Minister of Endowments, Islamic Affairs and Holy Places, Muhammad Al-Khalayleh, had previously confirmed that all Jordanian pilgrims in the official mission were fine.
Regarding the violating Jordanian pilgrims, Minister Halayleh explained that the Ministry of Endowments had previously warned that Hajj without a permit entails a risk.
The Directorate of Operations and Consular Affairs in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriate Affairs announced that the number of deaths among Jordanian citizens performing Hajj rituals had risen to fourteen deaths, while the number of missing pilgrims reached 17.
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