Conditions and procedures for applying for the first grade of Al-Azhari primary school

Announce Al-Azhar Institutes Sector Controls and procedures for applying and accepting stage Kindergarten And the first grade of primary school BAl-Azhar Institutes (Regular – Model) and private institutes across the Republic for the academic year 2024-2025 AD.

First: regular and model Al-Azhar institutes

1 – The electronic application period for both the kindergarten stage and the first grade of primary school for Al-Azhar institutes (regular – model) for the academic year 2024/2025 AD has begun at the republic level, from Tuesday, corresponding to 6/25/2024, until Wednesday, corresponding to 7/31/ 2024 AD, so that the child’s age is not less than (4) years up to (6) years except one day for the kindergarten stage, and not less than (6) years and not more than (9) years for the first grade of primary school, on 10/1/2024 M, provided that the application is electronic only through the electronic coordination website (, and is the responsibility of the guardian of the child or student applying.

It is prohibited to receive paper files in Al-Azhar institutes before the appearance of… Result of electronic format The responsibility for following up on this falls on the Director of the Kindergarten Administration and the Director of the Primary Education Department, and under the direct supervision of the Head of the Central Administration of the region.

2- Parents must be careful when recording their children’s data, and the guardian is responsible for the accuracy of the recorded data.

3- The result of the electronic coordination will be announced after review by the competent committee.

4- The guardian must, within fifteen days from the date of announcing the result of the electronic coordination, go to the institute to complete his son/daughter’s file and conduct a personal interview, provided that the file includes the following:

1. An original birth certificate (national number). A copy of the certificate is not considered at all.

2. A copy of the health card for the child and student after verifying the original, and the original medical report from health insurance specifying his health condition and evidence that he is free of infectious diseases.

3- Each Azhar region must follow up with its educational departments regarding the strict application of the aforementioned rules.

4- Each institute must commit to announcing its electronic format result in a prominent place. So that it is easy for parents to view. Any change in the result, or change in the order received from the Electronic Coordination Committee, will result in the person making the change being referred for disciplinary accountability immediately.

5- The final coordination result will be announced after completing the files of those accepted by the Sheikh of the Institute in a prominent place that is easy for parents to see, after excluding those who did not apply within (15) days of announcing the coordination result. As they are excluded from the coordination, this is considered an official waiver of the guardian’s right to enroll his son/daughter in Al-Azhar Al-Sharif; For not adhering to the controls, his replacement will be promoted after presenting the cases to the Electronic Coordination Committee, and in light of the instructions received by the regions in this regard.

6- The child or student’s registration will be canceled if his or her enrollment in any other educational institution outside Al-Azhar Al-Sharif is proven.

General rules..

1 – Children in the first level are transferred to the second level in the kindergarten stage at the same institute without the need for the guardian to apply electronically; Applying for vacant places is done after absorbing the basic strength transferred to him from the lower level.

2- Children of the second level at the institute are transferred to the first grade of primary school at the same institute without the need for the guardian to apply electronically. Whereas applying for vacant places is done after absorbing the basic strength transferred from the lower level, and taking into account the presence of only girls’ institutes or only boys’ institutes at the primary level; Each type is directed to the institute that is officially coordinated annually without electronic submission, and it must be taken into account that this has been accurately calculated in the inventory.

3- The guardian of a child who has obtained the first level in kindergarten for the academic year 2023/2024 AD may apply electronically for his son/daughter in the format of the first grade of primary school if he meets the age and admission conditions stipulated for that at the same institute, and if there is a vacant place, while retaining his original place if Not accepting coordination.

4- A copy of the application form posted on the electronic coordination website.

5- (4) recent personal photos (4 x 1).

6- (5) envelopes with the address of the accepted child or student written on them, and a local postage stamp affixed to each envelope.

7- – A committee shall be formed headed by the sheikh of the institute or his representative, and the membership of: the social worker, the kindergarten teacher, the first grade teacher, who have been trained in the new education system, and the institute’s student affairs specialist.

The tasks of this committee are as follows:

A – Examine the files and ensure that they meet the required documents.

B – Opening a special register to register children and students whose files have been completed, provided that it includes the name, date of registration, and registration number, and the registration number and date are delivered to the guardian.

C – The committee arranges the files completely according to the order of the electronic format result.

D – Conducting interviews without charging any fees for this.

E – Immediately after completing its work, the committee prepares the final lists of children and students whose files have been completed for review by the educational administration, in preparation for review by the kindergarten administration and the primary education administration in the region, then approved by the head of the central administration of the region within fifteen days from the end of the institute’s work. .

1- A committee shall be formed from the director of the educational administration, and the membership of three kindergarten and primary education mentors; To review the lists of children and students whose files have been completed, and ensure that they match the results lists in electronic format; This is to take necessary action within ten days.

2- Opening a second phase of electronic coordination for institutes that have vacant places is being considered in light of new decisions of the Electronic Coordination Committee.

3 – Warning the guardian to follow the electronic coordination website until the result of the coordination appears, and no excuse is accepted for not following up after exceeding the period specified for submitting the child or student’s file to the institute; This is so as not to waste an opportunity on those who are serious about it, or to waste the opportunity in general.

4- It is not permitted to open an evening period in any of the Al-Azhar primary institutes. It is also not permissible to place the classes of the stage in a building and the rest of the classes in a building outside the walls of the institute, or to divide the students of the stage into two periods: one period that accommodates the lower grades of the stage, and the second period that accommodates the upper grades, except in In case of extreme necessity, after presenting the matter to the head of the Al-Azhar Institutes Sector, and ensuring the availability of the material and human resources necessary for the educational process.

The Al-Azhar institutes should be emphasized with the following:

1 – Obligating institutes that have kindergartens to prepare academic improvement plans for students who have been accepted in the first grade of primary school, without obtaining any of the levels (first and second) of the kindergarten stage.

2 – The results of those finally accepted into the institute will be announced in a clear and prominent place so that parents can view them easily and conveniently.

3 – He strongly warns all institute sheikhs not to collect any cash sums from parents under any name or item in relation to the application and acceptance procedures mentioned in these instructions, and whoever violates this exposes himself to legal accountability.

Emphasis must be paid to the departments concerned with the Al-Azhar regions as follows:

1 – Announcement of all instructions contained in the electronic portal at the general office of the region, the educational departments, and the institute, in a clear and prominent place that is easy to view.

2- Any inquiries from parents regarding the final result of electronic coordination must be referred to the educational administration to which the institute is affiliated, in light of the instructions received in this regard only, without declaring any procedures that have not been officially notified to the administration.

3- In the event of a request to open kindergarten halls, and the approval of the central administration of the region in light of a serious study, and to ensure the existence of the material and human operating requirements, coordination is done manually, and the numbers applied for these institutes must meet the minimum mentioned in the regulations, and violators are referred for investigation immediately. If there is a violation of this, all necessary measures must be taken to inform the competent department of what is issued in this regard in order to officially register on the databases.

Second: Private Al-Azhar Institutes:

A – Specific controls for the age of admission. The age for admission to private Al-Azhar institutes will be on 10/1/2024 AD as follows:

The preliminary stage: first grade, three and a half years to 5 years, 11 months and 29 days.

The second preparatory grade from four and a half years to five years to 5 years, 11 months and 29 days.

Primary stage, first grade, from five and a half years to 9 years.

Taking into account that those who move from the first preparatory grade to the second preparatory grade do not apply to the maximum age in the preparatory stage.

No child or student will be accepted in excess of the licenses granted to the institutes within the limits of the densities set for each class.
– Special controls for the electronic coordination website..

Allowing the child to choose the educational stage when registering for the first time (KG1 or KG2) according to the guardian’s desire as long as the child’s age allows it (the minimum and maximum age applies) for the stage.

Providing the ability to modify the academic stage through institutes and parents through the link to review and modify data by searching the child’s national number, for children who were previously registered.

The General Administration of Private Education in the Al-Azhar Institutes Sector must assign private institutes the necessity of registering and amending the data of children who submitted paper files, and this registration and amendment is done through the electronic application link or through the electronic portal.

It is not available to register or amend a child’s data after the end of the registration period. When the General Administration of Private Education or private institutes wishes to extend the registration and amendment period again, this will be made available after coordination work in regular and model institutes has ended and stabilized.

Electronic coordination for private institutes is carried out through the form prepared for this purpose for children who have been selected by the institute and have been placed in the appropriate stage for them according to the guardian’s desire after meeting the age requirement, after registration for private institutes has been permanently closed.

The electronic registration link, user name, and password are distributed to each of the private institutes through the General Administration of Private Education. The format is printed for each institute (by grade and type) for both the first and second grades of kindergarten, and the first grade of primary school (Arabic – Languages) Through private institutes.

The private institute reviews the coordination list(s), then it is reviewed by the educational department to which the institute is affiliated, then the private education department in the region to which the institute is affiliated, and then approved by the General Administration of Private Education in the Al-Azhar Institutes Sector, for a number of four paper originals for each grade.

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