The artist celebrated at a family party Amal Rizk And her husband, Major General Wael Al-Shariti, on the engagement of her daughter, Haya Ismail Katkat, to Engineer Adam Al-Arabi. The celebration was attended by the bride and groom’s families, and they were received by Amal Rizk And her daughter, the artist Lama Ismail Katkat, and a number of family and friends attended.
It is worth noting that Haya Katkat works as a cinematographer, and her latest work is the movie “The Max Gang”, starring Ahmed Fahmy.
Engagement of Haya, Amal Rizk’s daughter
Engagement of the daughter of the artist Amal Rizk
The engagement of Amal Rizq Ali’s daughter and her groom, Adam
Engagement of the daughter of Amal Rizk and Adam Al-Arabi
Engagement of Amal Rizk’s daughter
Engagement of Amal Rizk’s daughter
Engagement of the artist Amal Rizk’s daughter
Engagement of Amal Rizk’s daughter, Haya
Engagement of Amal Rizk’s daughter
Haya’s engagement
Haya Ismail Katukt’s engagement
The last work of the artist Amal Rizk was her appearance as a guest of honor in an episode of the series “Dayman Amer” starring the artist Mustafa Shaaban, Lebleba, Mirna Nour El Din, Amr Abdel Galil, Nidal El Shafei, Salah Abdullah, Mohamed Tharwat, Karim Afifi, Cynthia Khalifa, Mohamed Mahmoud, Ahmed El Shamy, Sama Ibrahim, Mohamed Gomaa, Amal Rizk, Fadia Abdel Ghani, Lama Katkat Ahmed Anan and a number of other young artists, written by Ayman Salim and Michael Adel and under the supervision of the author Ahmed Abdel Fattah and directed by Magdy El Hawary.