Shahar Tabuch: The bandana is a bit like my cap sometimes


Shahar Tabuch came to be a guest at the ‘Two to Four’ studio and shared his struggle: “Those who know me, know that I am like this the most – gay dancing with tassels and keeping Shabbat”

The singer and creator Shahar Tabuch was a guest in the studio of ‘Two to Four’, and shared his feelings about the recent period: “I am happy that I was given the part to make people have fun and make them happy during such a time. This is the greatest gift there is.”

Ron Shalom said: “You don’t understand how much I hear about you. In the last three months I hear about you everywhere possible.”

During the interview Tabuch also talked about his hit ‘Nadi Badi’ which he performs with Agam Bohbot: “We are really friends in everyday reality. She is the love of my life and a good soul and we have crazy experiences like saving her mother’s fish and Shabbat in Be’er Sheva.”

Later he performed the song ‘Maavahavt Ba Ahad’, saying: “It’s theft because the original song is by Gal Gadot who sang it at a festival in 2008 and I just fell in love with this song as a child and changed the words a little and that’s it, this is the song.”

Ron then asked him: “You actually appear with a bandana which is a kind of cap, right?”. Tabuch replied: “There’s something to it. Obviously, it’s probably part of wearing a head covering in one way or another. I’m slowly getting stronger in my way. Those who know me, know that I’m mostly like this – gay dancing with tassels and keeping Shabbat, it’s literal, so I feel like it’s all sides. The bandana is a bit like my cap sometimes, when I read the general correction I’m wearing the bandana.”


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Shahar Tabuch with Yoav Cohen and Ron Shalom

Shahar Tabuch with Yoav Cohen and Ron Shalom &nbsp| Photo: 103fm

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