Is the north burning? Are civilians killed by drones? The coalition is busy protecting Yanon Magal

Yanon Magal was suspended yesterday from his radio show on 103FM. According to him, it is because of the boycott he is organizing against Bank Leumi, however the station’s CEO claimed that the suspension also came as a result of Magal’s statements against various sections of the public. It was spectacular to see Yanon Magal’s colleagues waking up, abandoning the orchestrated campaign against the “brothers in arms” in which they were engaged Until then, and move on to whining about “harming democracy.”

It’s funny that the people of Channel 14 and the other shofars call everyone “junta” and “Bolsheviks”, but regularly carry out boycotts and campaigns against commercial parties, just because they don’t want to advertise on Channel 14. Decide: either you’re “right”, then you’re supposed to support a free market, Or you are Bolshevik left-wing communists, who think that commercial factors should be ignored – then it is also legitimate to apply semi-protectionist pressure on them.

1. Magel itself is not the story anymore. Neither is Bank Leumi. The story is the stuttering propaganda machine of this coalition. The fact that the members of the Knesset of the coalition and the ministers in the government (who have not said a word in the last months about the north, who have done nothing for the citizens) got up on their hind legs to protect their propagandist.

“Are you a robot?” – not “mark the squares in which a minister appears who did not say a word about being killed by a drone but was quick to tweet for Yanon Magal”

Replying to @YoavKisch

Every day I am ashamed that you are the minister of my children’s education. Today – especially.

The attempted silencing and suspension of Yanon Magal, just because of his stand against the advertiser boycott on Channel 14, is a disgrace. The days when the mouths of the right-wing people are silenced are over long ago and must not return.

For those who have forgotten, Channel 14 people previously ran a boycott campaign against Strauss. Personally, I don’t understand any commercial entity that advertises on such a channel, that regularly spreads lies and the talents are not only unprofessional – but can turn on your brand in a second, just because you didn’t look good to them.

In addition, their cry about “harming democracy” is particularly puzzling. What is the relationship between democracy and a free capitalist market? Does someone owe you something? Why does a commercial entity have to advertise with you? After mocking Drucker for taking down his show, they are also expecting back-up from their colleagues on other channels.

The worst finance minister in Israel’s history, calls out for Yanon Magal’s defense, with lies about “auditing” and some mafioso threats of his own. Yanon Magal organized a boycott of a commercial company. Why did the government call for his help? Simply, because he is a government propagandist, not a journalist. Everything is out in the open. And these are still talking about democracy.

Replying to @I’m in love

You fit him like a glove. Both of you make a living spreading hate and poison, both of you have no existence outside the rule of crime and in any case this is your last term.

A huge public in Israel feels that Shinon Magel represents it. The voice of the national camp. Yanon exposes their hypocrisy and their real poison machine, panic and poisoning. They want and love us like the late Yamina, but no more: we are all Yanon Magel today!

I’m not imagining right? Likud ministers tweeted today about Yanon Magal more than they did when a couple of parents who were on their way home to their children were killed by Hezbollah fire? I would love to know that I am imagining

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I have no interest or anything good to say about Bank Leumi, and I don’t really care where they advertise, but Magal itself is not the story anymore. Neither does the bank. The story is the stuttering propaganda machine of this coalition. The fact that the members of the Knesset of the coalition and the ministers in the government – who did not say a word in the last months about the North, about the couple who were killed by a rocket in their car, who did nothing for the citizens during their entire tenure – got up on their hind legs to protect their propagandist.

Magal is not a journalist and even declared himself as such. Moreover, he called himself Netanyahu’s “messaging tool”. The members of the coalition do not care about the freedom of the press, on the contrary: they try to limit it and threaten those who criticize them. Netanyahu is trying to take over more channels and create a situation where he receives sympathetic coverage not only from Ayala Hasson, Amit Segal and his private propaganda channel, Channel 14.

Netanyahu wants everyone to broadcast his Putinist propaganda, so that he can continue to deceive the public. Does it seem reasonable and logical to you that the worst finance minister in the history of Israel, calls out to the defense of a propagandist, with lies about “auditing” and a few threats of his own mafiosi? Minister of education? Knesset members in the coalition? Goldknopf, who has no idea what a free press is, is suddenly alarmed?

So you waited for a member of the coalition to promote a boycott against an Israeli bank that simply does not advertise on a channel that supports its positions and opinions. And that’s what someone we pay a salary to deal with today, there’s no point, dance.

And these are names. Here are the members of the Knesset and the ministers who rallied to protect Dodo Topaz 2.0 (for now). Pay attention to the large amount of tweets in such a short time. And it all started only at noon, even though the suspension was in the morning. This is what a campaign looks like, probably one that is run from Miami. 14:13 – Itamar Ben Gabir 14:25 – Bezalel Smotrich 14:45 – Galit Distel …

A media person who alternately defines himself as a journalist, violates the rules of ethics and calls for a boycott of a bank that does not publish in the media organization he works for > the other media organization he works for suspends him > a line of Knesset members and ministers come out in a wall-to-wall chorus of condemnation, in the name of protecting freedom of expression. The same guys who celebrated taking down a war zone, yes?

They all tweeted at the same time, the same message. Almost full coordination, almost identical formulas. The message is not “we are in favor of a free press”, but “we protect the people who broadcast the voice of the government, the conduits of our messages”. In fact, the members of the Knesset and the ministers in the government are telling the public: “We have no problem with these people lying to you, because we are also lying to you. Without this continuous lies and deception, we cannot continue to mislead the citizens.”

They felt that a central screw in their poison machine was in danger, and they rose to protect it. A free press does not interest them. In fact, she is their significant enemy. Good journalism reveals the truth, the omissions, the failures. They don’t want that kind of press. They want caressing broadcasters, who spew messages, propaganda and lies.

I don’t know how the story will end, but the conduct of the coalition in this matter clearly shows who is in power: extremists and those with narrow sectoral interests – people from whom the truth is light years away. These people, and their propaganda machine, are a real danger to democracy. Yesterday we got an instructive purpose display that demonstrates this well.

Tweets by government members when

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Revital Salomon is the owner of The Shark Ladya website management and promotion company, lives online 24 hours a day and gets stronger invoice Twitter extremely active

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