High school results 2024.. How are the top students in the republic ranked?

Many students are looking for the date of the appearance of High school result 2024where they finished the marathon. High school examsLast Saturday, the results of the 2024 General Secondary Certificate topped the interests of students and parents, waiting for the moment of announcing the results of the General Secondary Certificate through the official website of the Ministry of Education.

The secondary school controls work on arranging the top students after the end of Correction works The grades are monitored in preparation for announcing the results of the 2024 General Secondary Certificate Examination at the end of this month. Responsible sources in the Ministry of Education and Technical Education confirmed that the ranking of the top students in the 2024 General Secondary Certificate Examination is done according to the highest grades from all scientific departments, science and mathematics, and the literary department, in addition to students of schools for excellence in science and technology, as well as blind students, adding that the grades are reviewed carefully before determining the list of top students in the 2024 General Secondary Certificate Examination.

The Ministry of Education and Technical Education revealed the indicators of success rates in the General Secondary Certificate exams in the subjects of Arabic, the second foreign language, and physics. The success rate in the Arabic language exam reached 96.62%, and the number of students who obtained 95% or more of the total score was 6,716 male and female students, representing 0.95% of the total number of students who took the exam, which amounted to 707,166 male and female students.

The Ministry also explained that the success rate in the second foreign language exam reached 97.88%, and the number of students who obtained 95% or more of the total score in the exam reached 124,768 male and female students, representing 18.37% of the total number of students who took the exam, which amounted to 679,319 male and female students.

The success rate in the physics exam was 94.21%, and the number of students who obtained 95% or more of the total score in the exam was 11,369 male and female students, representing 2.27% of the total number of students who took the exam, which was 501,642 male and female students.

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