Sara Netanyahu was confused about the names of the abductees. It’s not “awkward”, it’s sickening

How detached can you be? This is the question that has been repeated on Sara Netanyahu’s feed in the past day, in response to the post she uploaded from the “Kenaf Zion” plane, on her way to Washington with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

>> Sarah Netanyahu’s photoshop storm: where did the photo go?

Netanyahu shared a photo of herself in pajamas, talking on the phone from the plane and flipping through the blurry and apparently classified documents that are stirring up the web because she shouldn’t have access to them. To be honest, I’m not that interested. What makes my blood boil is the innocent mistake of Mrs. Netanyahu, who said: “The first conversation from the Zion Wing plane on the historic and important flight to Washington was the conversation in which I, the Prime Minister’s wife, spoke to the mothers of Shira Elbag and Orly Gilboa, two young and innocent girls who were kidnapped on by the monsters of Hamas.”

Daniela Gilboa in the first documentation from captivity in Gaza  Screenshot

Daniela Gilboa in the first documentation from captivity in Gaza Screenshot

Liri Albag in more beautiful days |  Photo: Instagram keter.lion@

Liri Albag in more beautiful days | Photo: Instagram keter.lion@

As you know, Shira Elbag is the mother of Liri Elbag, while Orli Gilboa is the mother of Daniela Gilboa, the two observers who were kidnapped together on the seventh of October from Nahal Oz while performing their duties, and have been held captive for more than nine nightmarish months. If Mrs. Netanyahu was connected to the horrifying reality, she would know it, and not “get confused” between the unhappy children and their unhappy mothers.

Mrs. Netanyahu’s post has been edited, what a pity that the reality cannot be re-edited, perhaps the bloody disaster of the October Sheviah could have been prevented that way. This is not an embarrassing mistake, it is a boiling mistake and should not be turned into a joke. This is what our life looks like

Mrs. Netanyahu even described: “During this emotional conversation, I promised them that throughout this historic journey, their daughters – along with the other abductees – are in front of our eyes at every moment. My husband and the Prime Minister do not forget them for a moment. I promised them that in every meeting I have, I will mention the girls and all the other abductees. I pray to see them all come home soon, safe and sound.”

The main thing she added: “My heart goes out to the families of the abductees and our abductees,” and of course she signed the post with: “We will not rest until everyone returns. This is our most important task now.”

This whole megalomaniacal and detached PR carnival happened yesterday (Monday), at the same time as the heartbreaking news about the deaths in captivity of the 76-year-old Alex Danzig and 35-year-old Gev Buchstab. It is not yet clear whether the two were murdered in captivity, died due to the conditions The impossible or that the circumstances of their deaths are related to the fact that the IDF was operating at the time in Khan Yunis, where they were held. What is clear is that the government did not do enough to save their lives, and continues to abandon the 120 abductees who remained in captivity, and according to reports only about a quarter of them managed to survive.

Of course, Netanyahu’s post was edited, and the “embarrassing mistake”, as it was called in the media, was corrected. What a shame that the reality cannot be re-arranged, perhaps the bloody disaster of October 7th could have been prevented that way. This is not an embarrassing mistake, it is a boiling mistake and should not be turned into a joke. This is what our life looks like. Run by a man and woman who see nothing but their political survival, lifted from the people, literally, floating in the sky in a fancy plane on their way to a show ride, while some of us are here on the ground, at best, or underground in the tunnels, at worst – trying to survive the inferno that occurred and is still occurring during The term of the current government.

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