Director Mando El Adl reveals to “Egypt Times” the truth about the cancellation of the series “Al Raccoon”

Director Mando El Adl revealed the truth about the cancellation of the series “Al Raccoon” starring artist Youssef El Sherif, which was scheduled to be shown in the upcoming Ramadan race after it was postponed in the last Ramadan race.

Mando Al Adl’s comment on the cancellation of the Raccoon series

Mando El Adl said in exclusive statements to “Egypt Times”: “The series ‘Al Raccoon’ has indeed been cancelled, and I do not have sufficient details about the reason for the cancellation, but it is for production reasons that I do not know about.”

Latest works of Mando Justice

It is worth noting that the last work presented by Mando El Adl in television drama was the series “Rare Coin”, which was shown in the Ramadan 2023 race. The series starred Nelly Karim, Gamal Suleiman, Ahmed Eid, Farida Seif El Nasr, Mohamed Fahim and Jumana Murad, written by Medhat El Adl and directed by Mando El Adl.

His latest work in cinema was the movie “Ala El Zero”, which was shown in the summer season of 2023. The movie starred Mohamed Ramadan, Nelly Karim, the child Munther Mahran, Jumana Murad, Khaled El Sawy, Islam Ibrahim, and Mohamed Lotfy. It was written by Medhat El Adl and directed by Mando El Adl.

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