Has the sponsorship system been abolished in the Kingdom in 2024? The Ministry of Human Resources responds

Many news have spread in recent periods trying to cancel the sponsorship system in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as this system has been activated since March 2021, in many professions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and Saudi citizens are searching for the truth of this widespread news for the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development to respond to this matter and clarify that it is studying the decision to cancel the sponsorship system in some jobs in the Kingdom, with the aim of improving the situation of expatriate workers in Saudi Arabia, and in the following lines we will explain to you the details of Saudi Arabia canceling the sponsorship system.

Saudi Arabia cancels the sponsorship system

The relevant authorities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia announced that no official decisions have been issued regarding Abolish the sponsorship system For a group of professions, with the aim of developing relations between individuals coming to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and business owners there, but some sources are studying this decision to be implemented in the coming periods, because it results in the following:

  • Developing contractual relations between business owners and individuals coming to the Kingdom.
  • Enabling the expatriate to move freely and travel outside and within the Kingdom, provided that prior electronic documents are attached.
  • Developing competitiveness in the Kingdom’s labor markets, which has attracted many skilled expatriate workers to Saudi Arabia.
  • Helping to preserve the rights of expatriate workers and reduce problems that occur between employers and workers.
  • This supports business owners and helps them attract great skills and distinguished competencies, in line with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030.
  • Developing retirement relationships in some basic services such as the final exit service, job mobility services, and exit and return mechanisms services.

Professions to which the sponsorship cancellation system decision applies

The decision to abolish the sponsorship system in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was applied to some professions specified by the Ministry, and those professions are as follows:

  • Mechanical engineering jobs.
  • Sales manager career.
  • Administrative jobs.
  • Contracting business jobs.
  • Account Managers Job.

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