Khaled Selim publishes a new video with his wife.. the daughter of a famous media figure – Art

In the past few hours, rumors have spread about the separation of artist Khaled Selim from his wife Khairiya Hisham, but he put an end to these rumors by publishing a video of him with his wife, in order to end this type of rumors.

In the following report, we review information about Khairiya Hisham, the wife of artist Khaled Selim, as confirmed by her husband in his television statements:

Information about the wife of the artist Khaled Selim

Khairiya Hisham Ali, daughter of Egyptian businessman Hisham Ali.

Her mother is the media personality Mahra Rashid, who presented a number of successful television experiences, and had some few acting experiences.

– I met Artist Khaled Selim By chance, and the beginning of their acquaintance was their feeling of non-acceptance. Khaled Selim said in television statements, “We were on Sham El Nessim and decided to go out. Our friends said we should go out together, and I didn’t know Khairiya, and when I greeted her, she turned her face the other way. I said I have to marry her.”

– I gave birth Khairiya Hisham She has three children from her husband, Khaled Selim: Khadija, Kenzi, and Selim.

She is interested in fashion clothes, and always appears with the artist Khaled Selim at public events, festivals, and some parties.

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