Woman accuses Mohamed Ramadan of facilitating his son’s assault on her son | Art

A woman filed an official complaint against artist Mohamed Ramadan and his son Ali, accusing the latter of assaulting her 11-year-old son during a fight that took place between them in a club in the 6th of October City.

The child’s mother explained in the report that her son was playing in a sports club when a dispute broke out between him and Ali, Mohamed Ramadan’s son, which led to the latter assaulting him, resulting in bruises and wounds to his face. She indicated that when she arrived at the club, she was surprised that Mohamed Ramadan’s son had left the place with some companions.

The Giza Security Directorate is investigating the incident, where it listened to the mother’s statements. The Public Prosecution also requested that the injured child’s statement be taken and a medical examination be conducted to confirm the extent of the injuries.

The incident started with a simple disagreement between the two children inside the club, but it escalated into a fistfight, which left the child with bruises. His mother immediately arrived at the club in a state of extreme anger, and when she was unable to reach a solution, she decided to take legal action.

A local source reported that Mohamed Ramadan was present at the incident, where he restrained the child to enable his son to slap him in the face, and prevented him from responding. Surveillance cameras recorded this incident, which was confirmed by eyewitnesses, who indicated that Ramadan took advantage of his position to enable his son to assault him.

So far, no official comment has been issued by Mohamed Ramadan regarding the incident, as he is busy preparing for a concert scheduled to be held tomorrow on the North Coast, as part of the Saudi National Day celebrations.

This comes after another crisis that Ramadan faced a few weeks ago, after releasing his song “Mesh Fady” on his YouTube channel. Lawyer Ayman Mahfouz filed a complaint to the head of the Actors Syndicate, Ashraf Zaki, demanding that Ramadan be removed from the syndicate because of the song, which he considered to encourage hatred and crime.

The lawyer explained in his report that what Ramadan is doing violates the Acting Professions Law No. 35 of 1978, which requires members of the union to observe the ethics and traditions of the profession, stressing that the union must take punitive measures to protect societal values.

On the other hand, Mohamed Ramadan recently announced his readiness to present a new drama during the Ramadan 2025 season, without revealing its details. He also continues his cinematic collaboration with director Mohamed Diab in the movie “The Black Lion”, which he began filming some time ago.

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