Cheb Khaled recalls memories of poverty and reveals the secret of his smile at the funeral (video)

The Algerian international artist has recovered Young Khaled His memories of the days of poverty and stifling financial difficulties in his early days, noting that he worked as a lemonade seller for a period of time.

Cheb Khaled said in an interview with the “Beit Al Saad” program, presented by the brothers Ahmed and Amr Saad, that poverty makes a person sad and stressed, but he believed that as long as he ate bread and water, he was living. He pointed out that this early stage of his life was full of challenges, but it pushed him to work hard and diligently in many areas.

Regarding the secret of his constant smile, he said that nothing is worth worrying about, and the two brothers pretended that they had a death to know his reaction in this case, and he shocked them with his response as he laughed, confirming that the dead person “has rested from the world.” When they asked him what he does when he attends a funeral, he replied, “I laugh from my heart.”

Ahmed Saad asked him if he was not afraid of death. He denied that death was a factor of fear for him, adding: “We are all moving forward.”

Young Khaled explained that he looks at death from the perspective of God’s mercy on man, because we say about the dead, “May God have mercy on him,” noting that if the dead saw his family happy, he would be at ease.

He pointed out that his father once asked him to forgive him because he used to beat him a lot when he was a child, and the young Khaled replied that this beating was what made him a man when he matured later.

Regarding his artistic beginnings, he explained that his career began in France, where he sang in Arabic and people loved that, and then his fame took off in Europe thanks to a French journalist who believed in his talent and encouraged it.

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