A psychological crisis is the secret behind Lotfi Bouchnak’s tendency to sing in his youth – Miscellaneous

Tunisian singer Lotfi Bouchnak revealed the reason for resorting to singing since his youth, in a special episode of the program “With You, Mona El Shazly,” yesterday after he was honored for the second time at the 32nd Arab Music Festival last week.

The secret of Lotfi Bouchnak’s singing tendency

Bouchnak said that he went through a psychological crisis due to the death of his father, leaving behind a family of 10 children, and then his uncle joined him at eight o’clock the next morning. As a result of his shock, he lost his speech for several months, and this was the turning point that made him turn to singing.

His psychological crisis in his youth caused him to suffer for several months from loss of speech, and had it not been for the medications and God’s care, he would not have survived it. Then he decided to sing, saying: “Your Lord is great, we praise Him and thank Him for His blessings.”

During the conversation yesterday, “Bosniak” revealed a surprise about his true origins, as they do not only go back to the sister Tunisian state, but they basically go back to the state of “Bosnia and Herzegovina,” and that his ancestors are from it, but they immigrated and settled in many countries a long time ago, and that he has a passport that was granted to him. Alija Izetbegovic himself is the first republican president of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina after the end of the Bosnia and Herzegovina war, and he also performed successful concerts there.

Western and Eastern culture mix in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which opens the door to multinationalism in the country located in southeastern Europe within the Balkan Peninsula, whose capital, Sarajevo, is 6 hours away from the Serbian city of Belgrade, and 6 hours away from the Croatian capital, by car. Its population is approximately 4 million, and it adopts 3 languages ​​and its area. 51 thousand square kilometers.

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