Poultry Stock Exchange today, Tuesday 12-10-2024.. Details of white chicken prices – Economy

The Poultry Stock Exchange announced today, Tuesday 12-10-2024, the prices of white chickens, the best-selling type in the local markets. Poultry prices may witness changes on a daily basis, whether on the stock exchange or in the level of the selling price of chickens to the consumer in the markets.

Chicken prices on the poultry exchange today

Chicken prices came in Poultry exchange Today, according to the daily update announced by the Poultry Exchange, “farm price,” and the local price portal of the Council of Ministers, the “official selling price to the consumer,” as follows:

White chicken prices today after the update

I registered Prices of white chickens Today, Tuesday, on the farm, the price is between 75 and 76 pounds per kilo, while its price in stores and markets for the consumer increases between 5 and 15 pounds per kilo, depending on the residential area.

Today’s prices for Sasso chickens on the poultry exchange and markets

Today, Tuesday, the prices of Sasso chickens on the poultry exchange reached between 85 and 86 pounds per kilo, while the price in the markets for the consumer rises between 5 to 15 pounds per kilo, depending on the residential area.

Today’s local chicken prices for the consumer

The price of a kilogram of local chicken today, Tuesday, reached 119 pounds, which is “the average selling price to the consumer in the markets.”

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