I was surprised Georgina Rodriguez With a mysterious post on Instagram, a few hours after she appeared sexy at a fashion event in a red dress inspired by a Manchester United shirt bearing Cristiano Ronaldo’s name and the number 7..
Georgina Rodriguez
Cristiano’s friend Georgina published an invitation card to a wedding with Georgina Rodriguez written on it on Tuesday in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, at 7 p.m.
The Spanish model placed a picture of a heart on the invitation card, with her full name underneath it, with the date written as Tuesday, March 5, 2024..
Fans of the Portuguese star around the world are awaiting the date set by his girlfriend, Georgina, to confirm whether it is actually the date of their wedding or not..
Georgina Rodriguez is one of the most famous models in the world, and she has been in love with the Portuguese Ronaldo for many years..
Georgina Rodriguez