8 foods to avoid eating during suhoor meal

Suhoor is one of the essential meals in the month of Ramadan, as it helps give you energy during the fasting hours. It is important to choose foods carefully in the suhoor meal to ensure energy during the fasting hours. In this report, we learn about the 8 worst foods to avoid eating during the suhoor meal, according to the “Times of” website. India”.

8 foods to avoid eating during suhoor meal


Contains many Breakfast Cereal Or cornflakes are high in sugar and refined carbohydrates, which may cause a rapid rise in blood sugar levels followed by a crash, leaving you feeling hungry and exhausted.

Fried food

Fried foods such as samosas or fried pastries are high in fat and unhealthy calories, which may lead to indigestion, bloating and lethargy during fasting hours.

Salty foods

Excessive salt intake can cause dehydration and thirst during the fasting period, so avoid salty snacks such as potato chips, salted nuts, or processed meat during suhoor.

Sugary drinks

Sweetened beverages such as fruit juices, sodas or energy drinks are high in sugar and can cause a rapid rise in blood sugar levels, leading to hunger later in the day.

High fat foods

Foods high in saturated fat, such as fatty meats, creamy sauces and fried foods, can take longer to digest and may cause discomfort and heaviness during fasting hours.

Spicy meals

While spices can add flavor to dishes, overly spicy foods can irritate the stomach lining and cause heartburn or acid reflux, especially when eaten at suhoor.


While a small amount of caffeine may be fine for some people, excessive consumption of caffeinated beverages such as coffee or tea can lead to dehydration and increased urination during fasting hours.


They are often high in sugar and low in nutrients, leading to an energy crash and feelings of hunger later in the day.


Overeating at Suhoor can lead to discomfort and bloating throughout the day. Instead, focus on smaller, balanced meals that provide sustained energy without causing heaviness.

Foods to eat during suhoor

Choose balanced meals that include complex carbohydrates, lean proteins, healthy fats, high-fiber foods, and plenty of water to stay hydrated throughout the fast.

Think of foods such as whole grain bread, eggs, yoghurt, fruits, vegetables and nuts for a nutritious and healthy suhoor.

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