Between Badr al-Kubra and the Al-Aqsa flood!

On the seventeenth day of Ramadan in the second year of the Noble Hijra, the Great Battle of Badr took place. That battle was a dividing line between two dates and two states, before the battle and after it. As it was an event that changed the course of history, and through it the condition of Muslims changed from weakness to empowerment, and from a mere tormented and persecuted group to a state whose power was feared, and from practicing da’wah with restrictions and without protection to a da’wah protected by force; Where the power of the statement was coupled with the power of the teeth.

And here we are on this day, Ramadan 17, 1445 AH. More than 170 days have passed since the Battle of Badr, 1443 AH, and more than 170 days have passed since the Al-Aqsa Flood (October 7, 2023 AD). Is there some relationship or similarity between the Great Battle and the Great Flood? This will become clear as follows:

The world has turned into two camps: the camp of infidelity that mobilizes, unites, and supports the enemy with everything it possesses, and visits and provides support for ideological, civilizational, and political purposes. Another camp is the camp of the Arabs and Muslims: oppressed peoples trying to do something, and weak ruling regimes.

Beginnings and intentions

In the Great Battle of Badr, the Muslims went out to fight against the thorn, that is, for the caravan, not for the enemy. So God Almighty wanted another thing that would change the battle and transform the situation of the Muslims: “And when God promised you that one of the two groups would be yours, and you wished that the other sect would be yours, and God wanted to establish the truth with His words and cut off Surround the unbelievers. [الأنفال: ٧].

During the “flood of Al-Aqsa,” the brigades went out in a surprise movement to capture some of the occupation soldiers in an attempt to exchange them with our prisoners in the occupation prisons, who number in the thousands, and to deter the Zionists from their practices against Al-Aqsa, but God wanted it this way, which mobilized the entire Western camp. Let the world turn into two camps: the camp of disbelief that mobilizes, gathers, supports, and supplies the enemy with everything it has, and visits and provides support for ideological, civilizational, and political purposes. Another camp is the camp of Arabs and Muslims: oppressed peoples trying to do something, and weak and conspiring ruling regimes that prevent and oppress their people, and cooperate with the occupation and its demonstrations against it. Muslims.

During the Al-Aqsa flood, none of the Mujahideen brigades thought that the battle could turn this way, and a large number of leaders of the occupation army would be captured, as happened at Badr, and it was not expected that the battle would last this long.


In the Battle of Badr, the two armies met unprepared, neither from the Muslim army nor from the unbelievers’ army. This meeting was a pure divine will. Let God do what He wants and rule what He wants, and it was His will to tempt each group to the other. The polytheists see the Muslims as a few in appearance, and the Muslims see the polytheists as a few in reality. The Holy Qur’an described this scene saying: “When God showed you little in your dream, even if He showed you many.” You would have failed and would have quarreled over the matter, but God grants peace. Indeed, He is All-Knowing of what is in the breasts. [الأنفال: ٤٣].

The author of the shadows says when interpreting it: “And there was in this divine plan what tempted the two groups to engage in battle… and the believers see their enemies little, because they see them with the eyes of truth! – And the polytheists see them little – and they see them with the eyes of what is apparent – and behind the two truths with which each party saw its other The goal of divine management was achieved, and the matter by which it was decreed was fulfilled… (And to God all matters will be returned).” A.H.

The outcome was that fourteen Muslims were martyred in the Battle of Badr – as mentioned by Ibn Hisham, Ibn Kathir and others – six of the Muhajireen, six of the Khazraj, and two of the Aws. Seventy men were killed by the Quraysh, and seventy others were captured, and most of them were leaders of the Quraysh and their leaders. .

During the Al-Aqsa flood, none of the Mujahideen brigades thought that the battle could turn this way, and a large number of leaders of the occupation army would be captured, as happened at Badr. It was not expected that the battle would last this long, and involve all these sacrifices, despite their preparation and precautions. From here, the disappointed, discouraged, and downtrodden came out blaming the resistance and holding it responsible for these losses, but God has another measure and another ruling.

God wanted here – just as He wanted there – for truth to be revealed and falsehood to be revealed, and for the world to be distinguished from one another: peoples moving in the East and the West, governments pressing in the East and the West, martyrs there, but here there are martyrs and wounded in the thousands, which is proportional to the numbers of Muslims here and there. Stability, strength, certainty, accountability, and contentment that we see with the eye here, and we read about it in biographical books “over there,” two civilizational projects jostling here, as well as two ideological civilizational projects jostling there.

In the Al-Aqsa flood, we saw the Zionists expressing this in more than one documented statement about their war leaders and their soldiers in the battle that they were “fighting ghosts,” and these ghosts that they expressed are not unlikely to be angels from God.

Angels are here and there

In the movement and course of the battle, we saw the angels in the Battle of Badr defending the believers and fighting with them: “When your Lord revealed to the angels, ‘Indeed, I am with you, so stand firm. Those who believe, I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve, so strike above the necks and strike among them every flank.’” [الأنفال: ١٢].

And on the authority of Ikrimah, on the authority of Ibn Abbas – may God be pleased with them both – that the Prophet – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – said on the day of Badr: (This is Gabriel holding the head of his horse with a tool of war on him) Narrated by Al-Bukhari.

On the authority of Sammak al-Hanafi (Abu Zamil), may God be pleased with him, he said: I heard Ibn Abbas, may God be pleased with them both, saying: Omar Ibn al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him, told me: (On the Day of Badr, the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, looked at the polytheists, who were a thousand, and his companions were three hundred. And nineteen men, so the Prophet of God – may God bless him and grant him peace – faced the Qiblah and then extended his hands and began to chant to his Lord: Oh God, fulfill for me what you promised me, O God, fulfill what you promised me, O God, if this group of people of Islam perish, you will not be worshiped on earth, so he continued to chant to his Lord, extending his hands. He faced the Qiblah until his robe fell from his shoulders, so Abu Bakr came to him, took his robe, and threw it on his shoulders, then held it behind him and said: O Prophet of God, stop calling upon your Lord, for He will fulfill for you what He promised you. Then God Almighty revealed: {When you sought help from your Lord, and He responded to you, I will provide you with a thousand The angels are one after another} (Al-Anfal: 9), so God provided him with angels.

During the Al-Aqsa flood, we saw the Zionists expressing this in more than one documented statement about their war leaders and their soldiers in the battle that they were “fighting ghosts,” and it is not unlikely that these ghosts that they expressed were angels from God. Social media users circulated a video clip of an Israeli soldier screaming to his friend on the phone for help from the war against Hamas forces. He said: “We are fighting ghosts. I do not want to die. I saw a friend killed in front of my eyes. The situation is painful and we do not want to die. Please.” Get me out of here.”

Regarding Hamas soldiers, he said: “These Hamas monsters, I cannot see them. We are fighting ghosts. I saw my friend killed before my eyes. “Please Yitzhak.” Without the air force and the navy, we cannot defeat them. We cannot advance even with tanks. They do not have them. “What they lose is all the tanks and combat equipment.” While the Israeli soldier was talking to his friend on the phone, he called for his help, demanding that he be returned from Gaza. He was crying and saying: “We cannot do anything. I want to leave the country. Listen to me and do not tell me to calm down. You do not see what I see. Please, I want to leave the country.” here”.

The resistance graph is rising, and the Zionist enemy is declining. He has failed to achieve any of his goals so far, and this has become noticeable and visible since the Battle of “Saif Al-Quds.”

Endings and endings

The Great Battle of Badr ended with an overwhelming victory, which changed the scales and changed the situation, and brought to the Muslims a new life, a new situation, and a force whose might should be feared. “And the confidence of the Muslims in God Almighty and His Noble Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, increased, and a large number of the polytheists of Quraysh entered Islam, and this helped to It raised the morale of the Muslims who were still in Mecca, so their souls rejoiced at God’s victory, and their hearts were reassured that the day of relief was near, so they increased in their faith and steadfastness in their faith.”

We will see – God Almighty willing – that the battle of “Al-Aqsa Flood” – despite the wounds, destruction, blood, and pain that are dear to every Muslim – will not be the same as what came before it, as the graph of resistance is on the rise, and the Zionist enemy is declining. It has failed to achieve any of its goals so far. This has been noticeable and visible since the Battle of Saif Al-Quds. This Western collapse that we see today has brought down the Western project into moral decline, human humiliation, and the collapse of “alleged” values. The coming nights are pregnant. With the major events and changes, which will prove to us and reveal that the battle of “Al-Aqsa Flood” was the beginnings of the complete liberation of the prisoners, the holy sites, Jerusalem, and Palestine. [المعارج ٦-٧].

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial position of Al Jazeera.

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