For the first time: ‘Kippa Yamit’ intercepted a suicide drone that crossed into Israel in Eilat

The 186th day of the war I Current updates:

00:55 – A resident of Kfar Akab is suspected of publishing incitement, encouragement and support for terrorists

A prosecutor’s statement was filed against a 20-year-old resident of Kfar Akeb on suspicion of having posted on social media words of incitement, encouragement and support for terrorists, including words of incitement and a threat to harm national security.

In addition, according to the suspicion, he uploaded to the social network videos in which he fired a firearm. His detention has been extended from time to time, and in the coming days the prosecutor’s office is expected to file an indictment against him.

00:45 – Graffiti praising the martyrs and the Intifada is sprayed in a Jewish neighborhood in Toronto

In the Jewish community in Toronto, there is growing fear of violent actions by pro-Palestinians against the background of the war in Gaza. In the last day, wall inscriptions with threatening content were painted in Toronto in an area where a large Jewish population lives. On one of the bridges was found the graffiti inscription: “Palestine will be liberated”, “Long live the Intifada”, and “Glory to our martyrs”.

On the front of a cafe, also located in a neighborhood with a large Jewish population, a graffiti inscription “Palestine will be liberated” was painted.

00:05 – Interception in the skies over Eilat

The IDF spokesman announced at midnight that the Navy identified a UAV that crossed into Israeli territory – and intercepted it using the ‘Naval Dome’ system. The target was being monitored by IDF forces. There were no casualties and no damage was caused. Alarms were sounded in the city following the air infiltration.

This is the first successful operational interception of a ‘Sea Dome’ from a ‘Saar 6’ type missile ship. The ‘protective dome’ in the Saar 6 ships is based on the ‘iron dome’ system and is integrated into the national air defense system.

00:00 – The Islamic Jihad condemns the arrest of the terrorist organization’s spokesman Tarek Salmi and the “abuse of him”

According to the organization, Israel bears full responsibility for his safety.

00:00 – The coordinator of government operations announced: 419 trucks with supplies were checked and entered the Gaza Strip today

This is a record number since the beginning of the war. Yesterday 322 trucks entered. An Al-Jazeera report claims that in the proposal made in Cairo, one of the clauses is that the number of trucks will increase to 500.

00:00 – A field commander of the Popular Front was killed in the fighting in Khan Yunis

A field commander in the military wing of the Popular Front terrorist organization, Imad Abd al-Fattah al-Jabri, was killed in the fighting in Khan Yunis.

He was responsible, among other things, for preparing terrorists before suicide attacks and supervised terrorist operations. He was one of the companions of the commander of the arm, Nidel Salma, who was killed in the second intifada.

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