Details of Ahmed Fattouh’s message to the family of the traffic accident victim.. stressing: His daughters are like my sisters.. Video

Youm7 TV presented a news coverage prepared and presented by Sara Ismail, during which she reviewed the details of the presentation. Ahmed Fattouh First team football player BZamalek Club My sincere condolences to the family of the victim of the car accident that happened to the player last month.

Fattouh posted on his Instagram page and wrote: “I offer my sincere condolences to the family of the late Mr. Ahmed Al-Shabaki. There are no words to express the sadness inside me, but it is God’s will and destiny, and there are no words or actions that can change or alleviate the pain of the family of the deceased.”

The Matrouh Criminal Court, the second criminal circuit, headed by Counselor Amjad Al-Sayed Awad, President of the Court, and the membership of Counselor Barakat Abdel Halim, Counselor Mohamed Abdel Samee Al-Ashmawy, Counselor Abdel Jalil Mohamed Hammad, and the court secretary Hassan Omar, decided to postpone the trial of Ahmed Fattouh, Zamalek player, to the session of October 22 and release him on a financial guarantee of 50 thousand pounds.

Youm7 presented a video with the family of the victim, player Ahmed Fattouh, a player for Zamalek Club from Alexandria, and the victim’s wife, who revealed her reaction and the family’s actions when the Zamalek player offered their condolences at home.

The wife of the victim, Zamalek player Ahmed Fattouh, said that the separation from her husband, the father of her daughters, was difficult for them after hearing the news of his death. In addition, the accident that killed her husband was very painful because the accident caused his body to be cut into pieces.

The wife of Ahmed Fattouh, the victim, added to “Youm7” that her heart has been on fire since her husband’s death and her grief over him, as well as his daughters’ psychological state has not been good at all since their father’s death and they are not concentrating on their studies because of the ugliness of the scene of the accident.

The wife of Ahmed Fattouh’s victim indicated that one of the player’s lawyers asked him to personally offer his condolences to the family after he was released on bail. “Come on, you and your fate,” she said, and she sent a message to Ahmed Fattouh saying: “Why did you do this to him? Did you cut up his body? You should have hit him and left him. You shouldn’t have run him over in this way.”

The wife of Ahmed Fattouh, the victim, explained that her husband supported the Zamalek club and loved all the team’s players, and yet the one who ran him over was a Zamalek player. She added that her husband left her with two girls, one in the second and third grades and the other in the first year of secondary school, and their psychological state was bad after his departure. He met all their needs and left a void in our lives. May God have mercy on him.

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