Egypt.. Official move to accuse Sheikh Salah Al-Tijani of harassment

The incident of an Egyptian girl accusing a person called “Sheikh Salah Al-Tijani”, who claims to belong to the Tijani Sufi order, of harassing her during a conversation on one of the platforms, has attracted the attention of many social media users in the past few days, and has called for action. Egyptian authorities.

The Egyptian Ministry of Interior issued a statement about the incident in the early hours of Friday morning, saying that it had followed up on what was published on social media regarding a woman accusing a person claiming to be the “Sheikh of the Tijaniyya Sufi Order” of harassing her and sending her indecent photos during their conversation via one of the platforms.

The ministry added that “Salahuddin al-Tijani filed a report with the security services against the woman who accused him of harassment and her father, and accused them of defamation and harming his reputation.”

The Ministry of Interior confirmed in its statement that “the aforementioned person does not belong to the Tijani Sufi order, and he was previously expelled from it,” explaining that legal measures have been taken, and both parties will be referred to the Public Prosecution.

The National Council for Women filed a complaint with the Attorney General on Thursday, after the Council’s Women’s Complaints Office monitored a post by a girl on social media, detailing her exposure to sexual abuse by the sheikh against whom the complaint was filed, in addition to monitoring similar posts by three girls against the same person.

The council added in a statement that it had filed a “complaint to the Attorney General against this sheikh to take the necessary measures against him to protect girls, women and society in general from these shameful acts.”

Who is Salah Al-Tijani?

The incident of accusation topped the list ofSalah Al-Tijani“Harassment has been of interest to Egyptians on social media sites in the past few days, after a young woman named “Khadija” claimed that he had sent her inappropriate photos, and that she had received psychological treatment for the effects of that harassment, while her family considers him a spiritual guide and religious leader, to the point that he controls their lives, according to the girl.

Khadija’s mother later wrote on her Facebook page defending Tijani, saying that her daughter suffers from psychological disorders, while Khadija’s father accused the “Sheikh” of “taking over the mind of his ex-wife, Khadija’s mother, and pushing her to destroy her home.”

The Sheikhdom of the Tijaniyya Sufi Order denied its relationship with Salah al-Tijani, and described him in a statement a few days ago as “an ordinary Muslim who is not knowledgeable, let alone one who claims to be a sheikh and claims for himself the highest rank in it.”

She added, “The so-called Salah al-Din Abu Talib, who deceives the ignorant young Muslims in the Imbaba area (in Giza Governorate), and claims that he carries the banner of the Tijaniyya order, and the order is innocent of him as long as he is surrounded by suspicions and rumors circulate around him.”

The Sufi order indicated that it had previously announced in 2017 and 2019 that this person (Salah al-Tijani) was “isolated from any name affiliated with the Tijaniyya order, and that he only represents himself, and that he is not permitted to practice any activity related to it; due to his lack of qualification, and what we have proven of the corruption of his belief, his deviation from the order, and his distortion of its principles.”

For his part, Salah al-Din al-Tijani denied in press statements that he had committed the harassment incident, and confirmed that he belongs to the Tijani Sufi order.

By following Salahuddin Tijani’s pages on social media, it seemed that he had supporters among the great writers and artists, who announced that they visited him frequently and followed his words, which sparked controversy on social media platforms.

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