Abdullah Al-Ruwaished returns to Kuwait after a treatment trip in Germany, and Nabil Shuail kisses his head

A state of happiness spread across the Kuwaiti street, after the return of the great artist Abdullah Al-Ruwaished He returned to his homeland after a long treatment trip following a stroke, and he was received by a large number of his fans in Kuwait, in addition to a special reception from the Kuwaiti artist Nabil Shuail, who embraced him and kissed his head.

He was a Kuwaiti artist Abdullah Al-Ruwaished Last July, he suffered a stroke and traveled to Germany to undergo a long treatment trip. Last July, Kuwaiti artist Abdullah Al-Ruwaished reassured his fans with a video clip of him during the recovery period he spent in Germany.

Many Kuwaiti and Gulf song stars were keen to congratulate Al-Ruwaished on his safe return to the homeland, as Nabil Shuail wrote through his account in “X”, “I congratulate Kuwait on the return of my lifelong companion and companion, my brother and friend, Abdullah Al-Ruwaished, from his treatment journey and the return of the artistic spirit to beating in the hearts of his fans.” Throughout the Arab world.

Abdullah Al-Ruwaished inside the plane during his return from his treatment trip in Germany
Abdullah Al-Ruwaished inside the plane during his return from his treatment trip in Germany

Abdullah Al-Ruwaished smiling on his return to Kuwait
Abdullah Al-Ruwaished smiling on his return to Kuwait

Abdullah Al-Ruwaished's arrival in Kuwait

Abdullah Al-Ruwaished’s arrival in Kuwait

Nabil Shuail kisses the head of Abdullah Al-Rarwaished

Nabil Shuail kisses the head of Abdullah Al-Rarwaished

Nabil Shuail receives Abdullah Al-Ruwaished

Nabil Shuail receives Abdullah Al-Ruwaished

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