Steven Ward and Valerie Robinson: A Story of Family and Acting

The life of South African actor Steven John Ward encompasses more than his professional achievements; it is a combination of artistic talent and family joy. His wife, Valerie Joy Robinson, matches his acting prowess with her celebrated performances. As an AFDA Live Performer graduate, Steven honed his craft under the tutelage of renowned coaches. With a career spanning stage and film, he is best known for his role as Mihawk in the Netflix adaptation of “One Piece”.

Valerie, whom Steven married on September 19, 2019, is a well-known face in the industry, known for her roles in “Lockdown Heights” and “Van der Merwe”. Together they form a dynamic duo, and their love for the craft permeates their personal lives. Their relationship goes beyond glamour, demonstrating a deep collaborative partnership.

The couple’s family life is a testament to their bond, including their children Isla and Gray Ward. Steven happily announced the birth of Gray on November 2, 2023 via his social media. Isla, their first child, was born on April 7, 2021, marking a new chapter in the couple’s journey to parenthood.

The Wards are looking forward to the shared experiences that siblings Isla and Gray will bring to their family. As their household grows, so does the story of their lives, intertwining personal milestones with their artistic endeavors.

Steven’s South African heritage is an integral part of his identity, influencing his career and personal life. The richness of his cultural background and the support of his family undoubtedly contributed to his success and the authenticity he brings to his roles.

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