Norwich engineer and children found dead, mystery deepens

Tragedy struck a Norwich neighborhood when Bartlomiej Kuczynski, a Polish engineer, was found dead along with his two children, Jasmin and Natasha, and 36-year-old Kantich Sukpengpanao. A police investigation revealed stab wounds to the neck as the cause of death. This shocking incident was preceded by Bartlomie’s visit to the hospital in December, which coincided with a missing person’s report and a call for help, adding layers to the mystery.

The role of Nanthaka Kuczynska, Bartlomie’s wife, attracted attention due to her absence from the village months before the incident. Nanthaka’s private life was largely unknown until the dark revelation. She was recorded as regularly going to work at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital early in the morning. Her disappearance from the community caused rumors and concern among neighbors who had not seen her for a long time.

Further adding to the intrigue was the presence of Nanthaka’s sister, Kantich Sukpengpanao, who had traveled from Thailand and was staying with the Kuczynski family. She was with the family for several weeks, becoming intimately involved in the events that would end in tragedy.

“The community is in shock and we are all trying to understand how such a tragedy could have happened,” the neighbor said. This sentiment reflects the overwhelming feeling among residents as they grapple with loss and the unanswered questions that remain after the death of a family.

The investigation into this case is ongoing as authorities and the community seek answers to the many questions surrounding the death and the events leading up to it.

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