Social media star Bobbi Althoff has filed for divorce

American social media personality and podcaster Bobbi Althoff has filed for divorce from husband Cory. The couple, who were together for about five years, officially divorced on July 4, 2023. Bobbi has made a name for herself with her unique and engaging content on various platforms.

In the field of digital entertainment, Bobbi has found a place for herself. She first caught the attention of the online community on TikTok, sharing snippets of her life, including her pregnancy journey. One of her earliest successes on TikTok was a playful video of her dancing with a banana, which attracted nearly two million views.

Her creative pursuit took a new direction in 2023 when she began exploring comedic content on the platform. In February of that year, her podcast pilot episode launched, signaling a new venture into the world of audio storytelling. In April, her podcast “The Really Good Podcast” was officially on the air, quickly gaining popularity with a series of high-profile interviews.

The podcast made significant waves when Bobbi interviewed music icon Drake, resulting in viral clips of the conversation being widely shared on TikTok. However, the entire interview was later removed from her YouTube channel, sparking rumors of a possible falling out between the two.

Bobbi didn’t limit her podcasting interactions to just Drake. Her guest list boasts an array of celebrities, including Lil Yachty, Mark Cuban, Offset, Shaquille O’Neal, Rick Glassman and Bobby Lee. Her rapid rise to prominence, particularly securing an interview with Drake for the second episode of her podcast, has led some to question the authenticity of her rise in the industry.

Bobbi’s personal life, especially her marriage, also attracted public interest. Her husband, Cory Althoff, 35, is a multifaceted person. With a degree in political science from Clemson University, Cory’s career path spans technology and education. In 2023, he decided to continue his education at the University of Southern California, with the goal of completing a master’s degree in business and management by 2025.

Before returning to academia, Cory taught himself computer programming, which led him to a successful career as a software engineer. He later channeled his learning experiences into authorship, writing “The Self-Taught Programmer” as a beginner’s guide to the field. The book, self-published and funded by Kickstarter and personal investment, was well received, selling more than 100,000 copies in seven languages.

Cory continued his author’s journey with “Self-Taught Computer Scientist”, published in 2021, with the aim of demystifying complex topics for a wider audience. In this second book, he collaborated with the traditional publisher Wiley.

Bobbi, known on the Internet as Boobi, has a significant number of followers on Instagram, where she regularly shares content related to her professional life. Despite her online visibility, she maintains a level of privacy regarding her family. With roots in Southern California and experience as a nanny after high school, Bobbi now rarely shares details about her family life.

On the personal front, Bobbi and Cory met through the dating app Bumble and married in January 2020. The couple has since had two daughters, born in December 2019 and June 2022. Bobbi affectionately calls her children Richard and Concrete on social media to protect your privacy.

However, the marriage came to an end when Cory filed for divorce in February 2024. The couple had been living apart since July 4, 2023, marking the end of their union.

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