After the exciting news: Maya Wertheimer reveals a pregnant belly

The network is not bursting with good news, and when there is some, we embrace it with both hands – especially when it comes to such exciting news from one of the sweetest couples in Israel. Maya Wertheimer and her partner Assaf Zamir announced last night (Motash) on the network that they are going to be parents of two.

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“Asia is going to be a big sister,” the two wrote in the joint post, and attached an amusing photo (but what), in which Zamir and little Asia look at the camera stunned while Wertheimer leans over the toilet after an exhausting session of pregnancy sickness.

“Asia is going to be a big sister.” Maya Wertheimer and Assaf Zamir break the net | Photo: Instagram @mayawertheimer

The 33-year-old Wertheimer revealed on Instagram that she is pregnant for the second time, and the network went crazy with happiness. Within a few hours, Wertheimer and Zamir’s joint announcement post reached almost 150,000 likes on Instagram and almost 8,000 comments. Among the happy commenters: Gal Gadot, who is pregnant with her fourth, responded with an emoji of a heart and cheering hands (when just this symbolic response received over 450 likes); News 12 reporter Edva Dadon wrote: “There is no happiness like this. Have a good time”; Corinne Gideon wrote: “Congratulations!!! Happiness!”, plus enthusiasm and hearts; Lee Byrne, who is about to become a new father himself, wrote in his name and in the name of his partner Eliana Tadhar: “We love you and make you happy. With God’s help”; Tadhar joined in with her own response and wrote: “Yes, yes, yes!”; Einav Bobalil wrote: “How exciting, at a good time and with the help of God, an easy birth and that you come out with hands full of Amen”; Whereas the simple one even dedicated an entire post to the exciting news. And, as mentioned, only on the fork bit.

>> Inflating and having fun: Eliana Tadhar and Lee Byrne in devastating pregnancy photos

The actress and model has often shared the bumpy road she went through and her difficulties getting pregnant, also on the way to pregnancy with her first daughter Asia, and after. Wertheimer spoke openly and with admirable honesty about the emotional and physical roller coaster she went through, and even revealed that she had a miscarriage.

Following the exciting post, Wertheimer uploaded a series of stories, in which she revealed a little of what she went through on the arduous journey on the way to the exciting news – from the fertility treatments and in vitro fertilization she went through to saying goodbye to her father, the late Eitan Wertheimer, who died of cancer (even though Maya admitted in the post announcing the pregnancy). Wertheimer She shared that she expressed a wish at every possible opportunity when she wished to be pregnant again, and finally uploaded a photo of her and her pregnant belly to Stories (scroll to the end!).

Maya Wertheimer never stopped making wishes  Photo: Instagram @mayawertheimer

Maya Wertheimer never stopped making wishes Photo: Instagram @mayawertheimer

And there are wishes she couldn't fulfill.  Maya Wertheimer with her late father Eitan and her mother Ariela  Photo: Instagram @mayawertheimer

And there are wishes she couldn’t fulfill. Maya Wertheimer with her late father Eitan and her mother Ariela Photo: Instagram @mayawertheimer

Maya Wertheimer shares the IVF process she went through  Photo: Instagram @mayawertheimer

Maya Wertheimer shares the IVF process she went through Photo: Instagram @mayawertheimer

Maya Wertheimer in fertility treatments  Photo: Instagram @mayawertheimer

Maya Wertheimer in fertility treatments Photo: Instagram @mayawertheimer

Maya Wertheimer reveals her pregnant belly  Photo: Instagram @mayawertheimer

Maya Wertheimer reveals her pregnant belly Photo: Instagram @mayawertheimer

In the meantime, we join in the best wishes and are crazy excited for you!

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