Halian Company vacancies…conditions and application link

A group of jobs has been provided by the Emirati company Halian for various nationalities, whether citizens, residents of its territory, or foreigners working on its territory, and the company has clarified the specific conditions for joining it.

Halian company jobs

Halian company jobs

There is more than one job available to apply for at the present time at Halian Company in the Emirates, which are as follows:

How to apply for Halian jobs

Halian company jobs

You can apply directly for any of the jobs offered by the company electronically via the link designated for that matter, which can be accessed directly by clicking here.

Conditions for joining these positions in the company

The field of marketing and sales requires the presence of great experience as well as high concentration, in addition to functional cadres with skills, and for this reason the company selects employees carefully in order for the company’s position to rise and it to become a leading company in that field.

It is worth noting that the company relies in its work on its work and approval team, along with submitting ideas and proposals and working to choose the most suitable ones. Accordingly, a set of conditions that must be met by applicants for jobs has been set, as follows:

What is the salary of a marketing manager in the UAE?

Salary depends on experience and may extend to 8,000 AED.

How much is the salary of an accountant in the UAE?

The salary ranges from 6,000 to 8,000 and can be higher based on experience.

What is the salary of a CFO in the UAE?

The salary exceeds 2,000 UAE dirhams for the financial manager.

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