4 important warnings from the armed forces for those about to volunteer

Books – Muhammad Sami:

Lieutenant General Mohamed Zaki, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and Minister of Defense and Military Production, approved the announcement of the acceptance of a new batch of volunteers to join the ranks of the Armed Forces, as well as guides (Qasi al-Athar) for the benefit of the Border Guard Forces, as of Monday, April 1, 2024.


According to a statement, this comes within this framework. There are some general guidelines that those who want to volunteer in the ranks of the armed forces should pay attention to, including: –

– Confirm the specific times and locations of the tests.

– Ensuring the accuracy of the documents and data submitted by the young man so that he does not fall under the penalty of the law.

– Immediately report people who delude young people into believing that they can help them join the armed forces and blackmail them financially, and be careful not to deal with them.

– Confirming that the young man applies to the recruitment area affiliated with it (the center/police department) from which the national ID card was obtained for the first time.

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