Jamila Awad causes an attack on the series “Lunch Box”!

Because of a scene from the sixth episode of the “Lunch Box” series, starring the actress Ghada Adel, the series was subjected to severe attacks from activists on social media, as the character “Nada” presented by the artist Jamila Awad appeared, searching for a person named Youssef or… Yassin is in an electronics store, and she asked the employee in charge, saying: “Excuse me, I was coming to ask about someone who works for you here whose name is Youssef or Yassin. He is blond, with curly hair and pretty.”

The scene brought to mind the video that had spread a while ago of a family from the Gaza Strip searching for their son who was martyred in the brutal Israeli bombing last October. His mother was searching for him, saying, “His name is Youssef. He is 7 years old. His hair is curly, white, and sweet.” .

Many social media activists launched a sharp attack on Jamsala Awad and on the series as a whole, demanding that it be stopped due to its mockery of the Palestinian cause.

In his first response to the controversial scene, director Hisham Al-Rashidi said, via his personal Instagram account: “An apology is due to everyone for whom the text of the painful scene for our sisters was similar to the text of the scene of the series, which was completely unintended.”

Al-Rashidi added: “The issue has not, and will not, one day have room for anything other than all support and respect. May God give patience to our people in Palestine and help them.”

“Lunch Box” series, screenplay and dialogue by Amr Medhat, directed by Hisham Al-Rashidi, and co-starring Ghada Adel, Gamila Awad, Fadwa Abed, Ahmed Wafik, singer Shaheen, Sedqi Sakhr, Osama Abu Al-Atta, Ali Al-Sabaa, and others, and it is considered the Egyptian version of the series. The American “Good Girls”, which aired fifty episodes from 2018 to 2021, achieved success and spread around the world. It revolves around three women, two sisters and their friend, who are forced by circumstances to get involved in a theft, after which they think that things will improve, but bad surprises follow, in the form of Social comedy.

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