Princess Kate Middleton is shopping with her husband, William, in the streets of Britain.. Video

On Monday, the British newspaper The Sun published a video showing the Princess of Wales shopping Kate Middletonaccompanied by her husband, Prince William, heir to the throne of Britain and the Crown Prince.

Kate Middleton appeared smiling and seemed comfortable and happy on a shopping trip with her husband, William.

Kate Middleton 42, was wearing a blazer and leggings, and carried her own shopping as she strolled through the car park of the farm shop located just a mile from her Adelaide Cottage home.

The 42-year-old princess was admitted to the hospital on January 16 to undergo abdominal surgery. The reasons for this surgical intervention are still unknown, but it is not linked to any cancer, according to British media.

Princess Kate Middleton and her husband
Princess Kate Middleton and her husband

And in Britain The absence of Princess of Wales Kate Middleton has sparked rumors in recent days about her whereabouts and the nature of the surgery she underwent.

In light of this, news spread that the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) had received a notification of the need to “be prepared” for an announcement from the royal family at any moment, but the BBC did not issue a confirmation on the matter.

It is known that before major announcements in Britain, Buckingham Palace warns the media to be prepared, an example of which is the announcement that King Charles had cancer last February, of which some reporters were notified.

At the beginning of this March, Kate Middleton was seen in public for the first time since her hospitalization in Britain in mid-January, according to what British media reported, while specialized American media published a photo of the Princess of Wales in a car near London.

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