The Manchester United captain is excited to face Coventry in the FA Cup


Published on: Monday, March 18, 2024 – 5:10 PM | Last updated: Monday, March 18, 2024 – 5:10 PM

Manchester United captain Bruno Fernandes expressed his aspiration to face Coventry City in the FA Cup semi-finals.

Former Manchester United striker Mark Robin is coaching Coventry City, a competitor in the English Premier League.

Koftri advanced to the semi-finals with a thrilling victory over Wolverhampton by three goals to two after scoring two goals in stoppage time. Manchester also achieved an amazing victory over its guest Liverpool 4-3 after a marathon match.

Bruno said: “It will be a difficult match. The chef in my house supports Sunderland, so I watch some English Championship matches with him from time to time.”

Manchester’s official website quoted Bruno as saying: “They have players who are good at controlling the ball and have high physical fitness. This is what we saw in their match against Wolverhampton at least.”

He added: “They decided the match in their favor in just three minutes as I remember, in the 97th and 100th minutes or something like that, so we know what we are getting into, and there is no room for any feeling of surprise from their performance when we meet at Wembley.”

He stressed, “We will have to put in the same amount of effort that we did against Liverpool and play with a high fighting spirit and so on, in addition to showing the quality that we showed in the two extra halves of the quarter-final match, but for a longer period.”

Regarding the FA Cup being the last opportunity for Manchester to win a title this season, Bruno said in statements to ITV, “We said that our goal during the remainder of the season is to occupy a qualifying position for the Champions League and strive to win the FA Cup.”

He stressed, “We must do our best to achieve these two goals. There are no goals greater than that currently, but the FA Cup is an important tournament for this club and one of the most important tournaments in England, and we want to reach the final in it. We know that the task will not be easy; there are differences.” “We are strong in the semi-finals, so we have to give our best to reach the final.”

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