The Nosairath police chief was eliminated – attacks in Lebanon as well – the renewer

19:30 – The Wall Street Journal: With the encouragement of the USA – the European Union is expected to refrain at this stage from imposing sanctions on Iran for the supply of arms and ammunition to Russia and its proxies in the Middle East, despite efforts by Germany, France and the Netherlands to promote such a move. The USA sent a message to the European Union: this is not the time to impose sanctions on Iran, this could lead to an escalation in the Middle East and sabotage diplomatic efforts regarding the Iranian nuclear program (12).

19:15 – Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu on 103FM calls for breaking away from dependence on American weapons: “We cannot rely on the US bringing us weapons. We need to produce weapons within ourselves in a way that will allow the State of Israel to fight for a long time without the American oxygen tube.”

19:00 – Jared Kushner at Harvard University: Gaza and Rafah need to be cleaned up, the Gazan citizens can be moved to the Negev or Egypt, the coastal strip is of high value to Israel and it is important that it keeps it under its control

18:50 – After the shooting to the north: a short time ago, IDF warplanes attacked military structures of the terrorist organization Hezbollah in the areas of Aita al-Sha’ab, Mis al-Jabal, and al-Adaisa. Additional terrorist infrastructures of the organization were attacked in the al-Nakura area and in the area and the village as a prison

18:40 – As a result of the launches in the Manara area, two IDF soldiers were slightly and moderately injured and were evacuated to receive medical treatment at a hospital, their families were informed.

18:20 – The White House: Israel-US talks in Washington about the operation in Rafah will probably be held early next week

18:10 – Shin Bet: During an operational activity at the Gush Etzion intersection, a terrorist opened fire at two Shin Bet fighters. The two returned fire at the terrorist and neutralized him on the spot.

17:53 – Palestinian reports: Muhammad al-Bayoumi, commander of the Nusairat police on behalf of Hamas, was killed in an airstrike.

17:37 – An alarm has now also been activated in Zareit.

17:23 – Shaarei Zedek: Two wounded from the attack in Gush Etzion arrived at Shaarei Zedek Medical Center. One injured is in a serious and stable condition and another is in a light condition. Both undergo evaluation, initial treatment and imaging tests in order to continue treatment.

17:00 – The Prime Minister of Italy in a speech to the Italian Senate: “We oppose Israeli ground action in Rafah.”

16:47 – The IDF spokesman confirms: A report was received of a shooting attack in the area of ​​the Gush intersection in the Etzion Brigade. The terrorist was neutralized.

4:34 p.m. – Initial report of an IDF incident in Oz and Gaon (between the Gush intersection and Migdal Oz). A terrorist was reported to have been shot.

16:00 – Shay Aaronovitch, director of the Tax Authority at the real estate appraiser’s conference in Eilat: the damage of the war in the south and north so far – over NIS 20 billion in direct and indirect damages.

15:45 – An alarm was activated once more in Kibbutz Menara.

15:35 – Nearly 200 tons of aid that arrived in the Gaza Strip by ship from Cyprus – arrived in the north of the Gaza Strip. A place where they have not been able to receive the aid trucks so far

15:29 – After 22 hours of silence: an alarm has now been activated in Menara.

15:00 – An observer identified an operative in an observation post of the terrorist organization Hezbollah, fighter jets attacked the building where he was identified.

14:45 – Prime Minister Netanyahu in the confidential discussion in the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee: “I made it clear to the president in our conversation, in the clearest way, that we are determined to complete the elimination of these battalions in Rafah. There is no way to do it, except by ground entry.”

2:30 p.m. – IDF Shin Bet and MGB forces arrested nine wanted persons throughout Judea and Samaria tonight; In Balata in Nablus, explosives intended to harm our forces were destroyed.

The chief of the Nusairath police was eliminated - attacks in Lebanon as well
The Nosairath police chief was eliminated – attacks in Lebanon as well 1

14:15 – An IDF spokesman in Arabic reveals the use of ambulances by Hezbollah terrorists and the Amal movement in southern Lebanon for terrorist purposes.

14:00 – The Houthi spokesman claims: We launched cruise missiles at targets in the Eilat area.

13:43- The War Cabinet will meet tonight to discuss negotiations for a hostage deal.

1:33 p.m. – Documentation of Israel Defense Forces activity in Shifa

13:22 – Prime Minister Netanyahu in a confidential discussion in the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Security Committee: “The Americans asked that we not do an operation in Rafah, but there is no other choice. We need control over the Philadelphia axis.”

Regarding the day after and the introduction of the PA into Gaza, “the uncompromising ambition of the entire Palestinian leadership in all its shades is the elimination of Zionism.”

Netanyahu stated that they are examining how to distribute the humanitarian aid by non-local entities “private companies are also being examined”.

12:27 – A report in the Saudi al-Hadth: sources told the channel that Washington informed Lebanon that it was unable to prevent a war.

12:10 – The name of the IDF casualty was allowed to be published: Sergeant-Major Sebastian Haion, 51 years old, from Rosh Ha’Ain, commander of the 401st Battalion, was killed in battle in the north of the Gaza Strip.

11:43 – The head of the Mossad returned early in the morning from Qatar, the rest of the delegation stayed for the continuation of the talks. The spokesman for the Qatari Foreign Ministry said this morning that there is still no progress.

11:22 – Arab reports: 62-year-old Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh married his 28-year-old seventh wife about ten days ago. The wedding was held in Qatar.

10:44 am – Netanyahu’s office is considering canceling the coalition agreement with Gantz and the state camp, due to the split with Sa’ar and the state right and signing a new coalition agreement with both parties (Hezki Baruch).

10:33 – The head of the Mossad, Dadi Barnea, returned to Israel from the negotiations in Qatar. Further discussions are expected to take place in Israel

10:22 – The target that was bombed tonight in Syria was an Iranian military depot intended for Hezbollah.

9:33 – Due to floods and drifting on the road, road 90 is closed to vehicular traffic from the Beit Arava intersection to the Mezkat Dargot intersection in both directions.

The chief of the Nusairath police was eliminated - attacks in Lebanon as well
The Nosairath police commander was eliminated – attacks in Lebanon as well 4

8:45 – The Lebanese newspaper “Al-Akhbar” reported that Faik al-Mabhouh, a commander in the internal security apparatus of Hamas who was eliminated yesterday by the IDF, refused to leave the building where he was staying and began shooting at the force that surrounded the building. He was eliminated afterwards. According to the newspaper , Al Mabhouh managed to kill an IDF soldier before being shot to death.

8:22 – General Yitzhak Barik to Bezalel Kahn in a lively voice: “Thank you very much, we will not win this war and we will also lose the ability to free the abductees. We conquered the northern Gaza Strip with great blood – and here, after we left, Hamas is retaking control through the tunnels of everything We cleaned up. In Rafah we delayed the train, we should have gone in there right from the start.”

7:22 – At the Central Command, a special team was established – which is made up of engineering and intelligence personnel and civilian professionals – that investigates suspicions following reports and intelligence information about tunnels in Israel. So far, no offensive tunnels have been located, but the army emphasizes that their existence cannot be ruled out, as published in the newspaper .

4:33 – The Saudi “A-Sharq” channel reported that at least 20 Palestinians were killed in Israeli airstrikes on Rafah and the center of the Gaza Strip in the early hours of the morning. According to the sources, 14 were killed and dozens were wounded in attacks in Rafah, near the Egyptian border, and six more were killed in an attack on a house in the Nuseirat refugee camp in the center of the Gaza Strip.

3:00 – US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken will return for another visit to the Middle East, for the sixth time since the beginning of the war, and will discuss “efforts to reach an immediate cease-fire agreement, and the release of all the abductees, while pressing for increased humanitarian aid in Gaza.”

2:00- Israel airstrikes several military points in the countryside of Damascus. The Syrian Air Defense claims to have shot down the missiles.

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